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10/02/08 02:02 PM #1    

Joey Deeb

Feel free to post your comments here.

I'll start us off...

One thing I started thinking of the other day - was the time that Jamie Murray and Paul Glenn were selling copies of a Bible test in the hallway. Oh, the irony.

It was from Mr. King's class. People were lined up like an EBay auction of the Wii at Christmas.

Those guys were literally taking bids!


10/02/08 08:38 PM #2    

Drew Mann

Hey Deeb, you ever erase an entire roll of over head transparency notes from some lame Biology Teacher?

How bad was that class....I actually wrote in a paper ..."Hey are you reading this, i dont like you or this class, but since i have to fill up this page im going to recite the pledge of allegiance five times."

And to think my parents paid for that...

10/04/08 03:23 PM #3    

Joey Deeb

Yes. Thanks for the forced confession. But, it was only a semester's worth :-)

Did he catch The Pledge in your paper or just grade it (missed it)?

10/09/08 04:11 PM #4    

Tara Mobley (Baldwin)

ok, no one else is posting, so I'll throw in my two cents.

I remember, vaguely, a conversation in Coach Pugh's office, he was principal then, with Melanie Hodge. He was asking us if we'd take on the yearbook our senior year since the one from our junior year had still not arrived. We agreed, obviously, but in my memory, it seemed a very serious conversation. Then at the end of the year, he drove us to Clarksville to pick up all of the yearbooks for the student body - we even have a picture of him smiling while driving us to Jostens. (I'll have to look for that picture.)

10/11/08 10:27 AM #5    

Barbara Lee (Tallent)

Does anyone else have dreams that they're on the 2nd floor of Harding Hall and can't remember their locker combination to save their life??? You'd think at 37 I would be past that...interpretations, anyone?

My memories are of guys turning off the typing teacher's (can't recall his name) classroom lights and running, watching Mrs. Griffith try not to burp while teaching after lunch, and basically loitering around Matthew Day just to see what he would do next, which was always worth it. Like Drew's great to know my parents' money was well spent!

Oh yeah, one of my favorites was taking driver's ed with Coach Goff (who among us doesn't still ponder the Bird of Paradise every once in awhile?) I was grouped with Beth Tallent and Jonathan Cullum...Lord, help us all. I remember a jittery Coach Goff in the passenger seat, Jonathan doing about 50 mph on the winding part of Granny White, and Beth and I cowering down low in the back seat, all the while narrowly missing mailboxes and promising God all sorts of things if we would just arrive back at school alive. Aaah, the good 'ol days. I'd be willing to bet Jonathan's driving record is a lot better than mine now...go figure.

And Carla Gifford's sneezes in chapel! I just remembered that... were they real??? Remember Kyle Johnson's "like crap through a goose" rant in chapel and the uproar it caused? He was such a maverick...;)

10/11/08 01:30 PM #6    

Midge Taylor

Hey Barbara - It was Mr. Wyatt's typing class and the thing I remember most from that class was how black leather jacket tough guy Adrian Goad could type faster than me!! It use to infuriate me!!

10/11/08 02:06 PM #7    

Tara Mobley (Baldwin)

Apparently typing class had an impact on a great many of us!

I was just looking over the playlist on the homepage (whoa! there are some memories there for sure!) and saw "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel listed. How many girls can't forget John Cusack holding that enormous boombox playing that song. That had to have been every teenaged girls' dream.

10/11/08 02:52 PM #8    

Barbara Lee (Tallent)

Mr. Wyatt! That's it! (I didn't take typing, because I knew I would suck at it and it would mess with my average...what a nerd) I still suck at it! In fact it took me 20 minutes to type this!

10/12/08 06:31 AM #9    

Drew Mann

Oh these stories are awesome, more do you guys remember this stuff....??

10/12/08 05:20 PM #10    

Barbara Lee (Tallent)

Drew, don't encourage me...

I can't remember my own kids' names when necessary, but I can picture every move Jamie Murray made to Tone-Loc's "Wild Thing" in the cafeteria while we all hooted in a circle around him. Bless our hearts, we were just a bunch of angst-filled, hormone-addled teens wishin' we could cut footloose!

10/12/08 09:35 PM #11    

Joey Deeb

This is great! You guys are cracking me up. I LOVE these stories! All of them.

Okay - I need a refresher on Kyle Johnson's chapel thing. I remember this vaguely. Didn't he say it like 3 times or something? Help me unpack this one, because I'm having trouble with the clarity of the memory.

10/13/08 09:03 AM #12    

Tara Mobley (Baldwin)

I must have been asleep during Kyle's talk b/c I don't remember it at all. I do, however, remember how everyone made fun of Mr. Sanders leading Blue Skies and Rainbows.

And I've been hesitant to put this one in writing, but here goes. I remember a Sr. yr brawl in the hall b/w Chad Edwards and Brian Norwood - it was right before Chico's class I think. Chad looked ok - I didn't see Brian. No idea how or why it started, but something about what Barbara said regarding "angst-filled, hormone-addled teens" seems appropriate.

and finally, freshman year science with Mr. Chamberlain... 7th period was full of girls b/c all the guys were in football. But, alas, we had George Ward and Brian Norwood in our class. I believe it was not a fun class for either of them.

10/14/08 09:52 PM #13    

Barbara Lee (Tallent)

Kyle was a junior when we were seniors. They were doing their "campaign" speeches for senior class president for the following year, and Kyle got up there and started some kind of Nitzche meets Gen. Patton meets Jack Nicholson kind of rant, and it was like watching a train knew the carnage would be bad, but you just couldn't peel your eyes off it. The main thing I remember is, from my vantage point, Mr. King appeared to rupture some crucial blood vessel in his forehead while waiting at the bottom of the stage steps for Kyle (the movie Dead Man Walking comes to mind). The next time I saw Kyle he wasn't quite as talkative...and I don't think he could sit comfortably for months. Let's just say he withdrew his name from consideration.

10/15/08 11:05 PM #14    

Julie Foriest (Brewer)

Does anyone remember Mr. Sanders singing "above the bright bleu (blue), the beautiful bleu, Jesus is waiting for me and for yew"?

I also remember in Coach Goff's history class how he used to wave his hand over the class while saying, "everyone calm down now" to get us to shut up. He also had the bust of Abe Lincoln with the wrestling helmet on.

I remember getting in a lot of trouble with Mr. King. he had left the room of his study hall for a moment, and I proceeded to pick up his director's wand (is that what you call it ?) and tell everyone I would like to put it where the sun doesn't shine. Little did I know he had come in the room and was standing right behind me.

I agree with Drew. Barbara, how do you remember with such detail what happened twenty years ago? I am impressed.

10/15/08 11:08 PM #15    

Julie Foriest (Brewer)

Does anyone remember who, during graduation, walked across the stage with alternate forms of footwear? Barbara, give it your best shot. I just know it happened. I don't remember who.

10/17/08 04:34 PM #16    

Tara Mobley (Baldwin)

Julie, do you mean a guy wearing pumps or do you mean someone wearing 2 different shoes? Drew, was that you?

I'm issuing a challenge to anyone who's reading these posts: find your yearbook, read all the stuff people wrote to you at the end of the year and see if you come up with some good memories. Then share!

here's one -- Preston Morris wrote, "slow down in accounting, thanks." and Bailey Heflin wrote, "I've enjoyed trying to keep up with your pace in accounting." Apparently I was some sort of acct. superstar - that, I DON'T remember, but I knew I could work on my term paper for Mrs. Riedel's class when I finished my acct.

Oh! and Mrs Williams, the elderly substitute teacher who called Matt, "Math eew." And where are you, Matt? You have tons of memories!!

Brent and I still say, "Bill? Is that you, Bill? I can't see, Bill," and "please, sir, may I have some more," from the Oliver Twist movie... the kids think we're completely weird!

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