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•   Vycktoriya White-Fuller (Leah's Daughter)  1/30
•   Jamil Iverson (Houston)  1/29
•   Gail Draper (Colbert)  9/13
•   Jennifer Devine  2/14
•   Danietra Glass  10/8
•   Timothy Iverson  9/6
•   Catina Pollard  5/27
•   Matthew Smith  5/19
•   Breanna Woods  3/31
•   Camico McKnight  3/21
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
45 live in California
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Nevada
3 live in Texas
185 location unknown


•   Pavianna Spraggins  9/22
•   Clifton Chandler. Jr. **  9/29
•   Arrian Maize  10/5
•   Prentice "James" Grant, III  10/6
•   Leah Fuller (Dabney)  10/13


Know the email address of a missing Family Members? Click here to contact them!

              Welcome to the Official
  Devine Iverson Family Reunion Website

If your new to the site, Please go to family members names. We need all family member participation.  2010 will be the best reunion ever.

                         2010 Annual Family Reunion 
                            Porterville California 


 Important Announement: Hey family members when you join this website. Please remember when you are creating your profile on the bottom of the profile page. Please make sure you check the box [] profile visibility, That will allow only fellow family members to view your profile detail. This will "BLOCK THE PUBLIC and ANY SEARCH ENGINES from accessing your profile. We realize that privacy is a issue.And we are trying our best to protect our family members. But keep in mind that if you are on any internet sites like,,,, etc. Hundreds of people can access your info.  And even pay for it on any people finder site. We have  password protected this website.


Hello family! This Site hasn't been active in years! We have a new family reunion committee and we're not sure if we can build from this one or we going to get together and vote on establishing a new one! I look forward to letting you know all additional information as it occurs! Take care and I love you! Looks like we should, as this one may be out dated and or more geared towards a school site....ALTHOUGH IT'S FREE!!! What you think?

You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

*****Year book/Memory books****
Yes... the memory book/yearbooks are still available.... If you receive a memory book last year 2008 and haven't sent in your money for purchase, please pay now... Paypal is available. Also New books are coming .......  Reunion 2010. Check out your family..... A small portions of the memory book single photo's listed below? For information regarding memory books please contact us at
If you like to update your photo's in the memory book, please email them to us or mail them to 353 Arlington Circle, Fairfield, ca 94533. Before W e print the new memory book.


Hey Family Members

For comments, suggestion, if you need us to update or add items to the site, please email  us at:

Dues: If you would like to know how much dues are, to send in payments on dues, please email :

History: If you have history on any family members and you want it added to the site, please email history to:

Donations: The reunion works better if we have funds to make it a complete success. If you will not be able to attend or if you attend and want to contribute to the Entertainment Committee or Reunion.

Entertainment: The Entertainment Committee plan all year for our reunion, The trivia, park events, games, Trophy's, Medals, etc. They are usually the highlight of the reunion. This year the  lack of funds limited alot of events. But next year reunion 2010 is going to be a blast. If you have any ideas please email

                       Thanks, Tina Bridgett- Hill

