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Tech Daily News - Editorial

Image courtesy of Silverbank Pictures.

(Excerpt from The Tech Daily News ~ March 10, 1932 )

Approximately three thousand Tech students were entertained in the auditorium Friday, March 4, by Captain C.W.R. Knight, who kept his audience attentive and gleeful by his many witty remarks while his pictures of bird life were being presented on the screen.

The pictures of the eagle eyries gave the students a conception of the habits and life of this monstrous bird. The difficulties experienced in securing the pictures were also depicted.

Captain Knight secured his title in the World War, fighting in the British army. He secured the Military War Medal for his services to his country.

The eagle that Captain Knight brought with him added to the accurate picture given to the students about this bird. This eagle accompanied him during all his travels. He i named Mr. Ramshaw, due to the resemblance which his daughter fancied between the eagle and this man. The bird is five years old and has a wingspread of five feet eleven inches.

This is the first time Captain Knight has been west of the Mississippi.


(From Tech News March 2, 1932)

Education is a wonderful thing.  It open our eyes and lets us see amazing things.  It betters our lives and it opens new fields of interest for us.  All this, if it is used properly.  On the other hand - A diploma and an Honor Roll pin don't mean a job.  The way some people find outbursts for their education condemns them because of their education.  With some men and women, education is used as a whip, with which to bully and browbeat less "fortunates".
Nowadays, with our wonderful, up-to-date, scientific schools, education is not limited to the rich, as formerly, and a "dinner-pail" man may be as much of a snob as one of the idle rich.  This fact possibly accounts for much of the class hatred and strife.  The educated poor man realizes the position in which his poverty has placed him, and also realizes, again because of his education, that there are some things which he will never acquire, because of this lack of wealth.  This embitters him to the extent that he accepts the faults of several selfish idle rich as inherent of the whole class.
Again, on the other hand - The more wealthy people must adjust the conditions and made them favorable for everyone, not only for the Four Hundred.  If they fail to do this the "lower" class of people may decide to adjust conditions and make them favorable for everyone - except the Four Hundred.
Class distinction, say some must be wiped out, and the right standard of values must be accepted.  When this happens the world will be a Utopia, which is, we suspect, impossible, but very pleasant for some of us to think of.


(From The Tech News Friday, March 25, 1932)

This is the phrase which Cicero used in ancient Rome when he wished to inform his listenters that "this younger generation is going to the dogs."

But Cicero was not the first to voice this sentiment.  In the dawn of time the cave man came to the entrance of his abode and, glancing at his offspring rampaging over the landscape in the company of leopards and mammoths, remarked to his spouse on the futility of attempting to pound any good common sense into the heads of this "younger generation."

The Greeks had a word for this declaration too, as did the Egyptians, the Phoenicans, and the ancient Britons.  All were firmly convinced that the human race would soon be only a shadow of its former self.

But the "younger generation" kept on going.  If it was going to the dogs, then it must be observed that these canine beasts were indeed far distant. 

Our fathers and their fathers before them all were in the habit of paraphrasing and expressing the sentiment of Cicero.  And a few years hence, we, the authors of this masterpiece of the editorial are, will sit back, stroke our bewhiskered chins, and murmur in sepulchral and Cironian tone: "O Temora! O Mores!"


Do You Remember?

(From Tech Daily News Wednesday, December 7, 1927 - Editorial)

When you and I were young Maggie.  Remember those gone but not forgotten days when we were just little tots?  It was when your baby teeth were beginning to fall that you started to school. "Yep" you thought you had a wonderful time cutting out paper dolls and building up blocks.  And then came the end of the year, the year you loved best, and out of kindergarten you went into the first grade where you began to learn the alphabet.  Oh! that alphabet was hard to learn but you soon learned it, and how to read also.

The years began to pass by and each year you began to think that school was just horrible.  Remember the time you tried to play hookey by acting sick?  We bet you never did try to do it again after your mother gave you some of that wonderful medicine "Castor Oil".  Didn't you think the most interesting grade in grammar school was the seventh grade?  Well, we surely do.  Remember that was the grade where we began to represent the school in athletics such as track, baseball, volleyball, and soccer.  Those were some exciting games and sometimes you would win, wouldn't that feel grand?

After the seventh grade came the eighth grade, the last grade of real school life.  Oh! how you were wishing to get out of school then, more than anything else.  Maybe to go to work and maybe to go onto high school which you then heard so much about.  The day of graduation soon neared, how excited you were when the play which you were in was being practiced, you would wonder how you were ever going to recite all those verses, but then you did it, "and how".

After the play was given you marched up to the chairs which were arranged at one end of the hall and sat down.  You heard a name called, oh yes, that was your name, remember?  They wanted you to come up to the front and there they gave you a diploma on which it said "This is to certify that so and so has completed the work satisfactorily."  Didn't you feel good though when you got it?  We'll bet you were saying "boy I'm glad to get out of this old school".  And out you went.

It surely was great to be graduating and with that little dipoloma you felt like trampling the world down, but, as soon as you got into high school as a freshman you thought that life was a misery.  Remember how the upper classmen would try to sell you an elevator pass, direct you to a wrong room, and would sometimes put you in the waste basket, but all of this was soon gone and you began to get a start.

Such have been some of our experiences and look at us now.  Some of us are sophomores, some juniors and some seniors, and some are graduating.  What could be better than a cozy high school and nice teacher to teach us something about which we know nothing. 

But, by the way, don't you remember?

(Read more Tech Daily News archived editorials.)