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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Arizona
11 live in California
2 live in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
2 live in Georgia
32 live in Idaho
1 lives in Montana
5 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in Ohio
47 live in Oregon
3 live in Utah
10 live in Washington
75 location unknown
7 are deceased


•   Lesli Farnworth (Cable)  9/18
•   Bruce Jensen  9/22
•   Justine Hughes (Gonzales)  9/27
•   Sandra Carlson (Heape)  9/28
•   Kathy Willis (Robitsch)  9/28
•   Joseph Collins  9/29
•   Terrie Burgess (Teare)  10/9
•   Alicia Martinez (Gonzalez)  10/9
•   David Ingalls  10/10
•   Dan Dalzell  10/11
•   Steve Martin  10/11
•   Bryan Davidson  10/16
•   Kay Gaschler (Martin)  10/17


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

  Hey Tigers,

We had an amazing reunion.  Thanks to all you participated.  We have some reunion items for sale if anyone is interested. Please go to the "2011 Reunion Info" tab and scroll down to the items you can purchase.  We have T-shirts, Aprons, Memory Books and Lanyards that you can purchase.  Additionally, Ken Zuercher has taken many photos of the entire weekend and he is selling all images on one CD for the unbelievable price of $20.  You can order those through this site.  Also, we have of set up a "Photo Bucket" Account where everyone who attended the reunion can dump their photos. Anyone can take the photos out and it is a free service so look for that soon.  If you have photos to submit, don't let too much time pass before you do that.  Here is the link and information to access our photobucket account.

User - 541phw

Password - ohs81reunion


Thanks again for all your participation.  It was fabulous!!!





                         CONGRATULATIONS, YOU FOUND US!!!

Welcome to the Ontario (Oregon) High School Class Of 1981 web site. 

Here's what you can do now:

1.  Find your name under "Classmate Profiles" and enter your information.

2.  Find other classmates who haven't found this site yet and tell them to go to

3.  Go to the "Contact Us" or "In Memory" heading and let the administrator know about any classmates that have passed away.