Solomon "Zeek" Heard

Profile Updated: February 4, 2009
Residing In: Orlando, FL USA
Spouse/Partner: Phyllis M. Heard
Occupation: State Trooper, Supervisor
Children: Solomon Jr. 1980, Donte 1982, Lashonda 1983, Cassandra 1984, Justin 1990,
Yes! Attending Reunion

AA Degree at Valencia, Carreer in Law Enforcement, Raising a family, Divorce, Marriage again, Church, did I say raising a family, now Grandkids, Helping promote and race in a remote control monster truck racing club. The usual stuff

School Story:

Fun memories of running to the free lunch line. All the funny, sick yo mama jokes on the school bus and jokes about the rather aged Art teacher, Ms. Mophet counting Mr. Leo Patti's (the Janitor) keys.
