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Evans High School
Class Of 1979

Welcome to the Evans Class of 1979 website! 

Hello Mighty Trojans Class of 1979!  An email was sent to everyone that outlines the details for our 45th Reunion.  We are doing everything we can to make this a memorable evening for our class and look forward to seeing everybody in September.  There is a limited seating capacity, so please take steps to secure your place at the beautiful Tanner Hall in historic Winter Garden for a good time of dancing to our favorite songs and mingling with our favorite classmates!   SAVE THE DATE!  Friday, September 20, 2024, doors open @ 6:00, buffet served @ 7:00.   We can use Saturday, the 21st, for a play day for those who want to participate in golf, pickelball or hanging by a pool somewhere.  Stay Tuned!  

Payments received 8/16-9/19 = $130 per person. 

Payments received on 9/20 = $150 per person at the door (cash or venmo only).

For Venmo and PO Box information, please contact Teri directly at and she will email you the information.

If you are new to the website, please visit the Missing Classmates link, click on your name, fill in the details and your profile.  We will verify you as soon as possible.  While waiing for verification, please visit the First Time Visit page. 

PLEASE be sure your contact information, especially your email and alternate email address, is up to date. Also, PLEASE review the Missing Classmates page and help us find those still missing.  We want to include as many of our classmates as possible! 

If you can't remember your log-in information, please email Teri directly at with your correct email and she will give you a temporary password.