50th Class Reunion

 "Attention all Classmates" !!!

 Class Reunion Announcement Letter !

“After 50 years, we’re good as new, we’re the Class of ’62”  

    Date:   October 15, 2011    
       To:   All Classmates
Subject:   50th Class Reunion
            Greetings from your 50th Class Reunion Chairman and Committee Members.          
            In the fall of last year a “Central Committee” (CC) was formed and has been working diligently and enthusiastically (actually having a blast) planning our 50th Class Reunion. This group of seasoned, hard working, hard playing and dedicated Classmates is more easily identified in the picture below.  
Reunion committee
            Our 50th Reunion is shaping up to be an event that you do not want to miss and that you will forever be sorry if you do.  It has been patterned after “The Greatest High School Tradition of All”, the………
 Senior Class Road Trip!!

            Your Committee Members strategically positioned to welcome you to Grapevine for our 50th !!  Of course this was preceeded by a little wine tasting in Grapevine.
          A number of Committees and Subcommittees have been formed, i.e., Site Committee, Program Committee and Financial Committee (FC). Furthermore, a number of decisions have already been made and executed. The first important decision that was unanimously approved by the CC is that the 50th Class Reunion will be held in the DFW area. This decision was made after careful evaluation of where the majority of the Classmates lived, accessibility by plane and car, probability of the highest turnout and a desire for a change of venue given that we just had a 48th Class Reunion in PampaThe following map, showing an accurate location of every Classmate for whom we have an address lends considerable support and credibility to that decision.
 This is where your classmates live.
          After considering a number of venues in the DFW area, the CC again unanimously decided that the Austin Ranch Facility located next to and associated with the DFW Hilton at the Lakes in Grapevine, Texas afforded the best venue and value for the goals of accessibility, high probable turnout, quality, affordability and fun! (See the following)  
 Hilton Hotel above with outside pool below.
A "Tequila Sunrise", please!!llJ(
Just another spot to visit with "old friends".
So, “Hold the Dates” of Friday, September 21, and Saturday, September 22, 2012. Friday night’s event has been planned as a “Howdy Party” just like in the old days at dear old PHS. This party will be held in the Meritage Room and adjoining Patio conveniently located in the Hilton Hotel.
At a recent planning session Johnny "Straight Shooter" is lecturing Sandra "Hot Stuff" about something while "Double Shot" Mackie takes a snooze....
     Here is the rest of the committee laughing when "Hot Stuff" told "Straight Shooter" to....stuff-it!!
The "Chairman" sends "Straight Shooter" to his room and tells "Hot Stuff" to get that smirk off her face. 
Meeting adjourned !
Saturday’s event will be held at the Austin Ranch Round-Up Room which is a large facility located just behind the Hilton Hotel in a separate building (an old barn like structure). 
There will be no lines at this bar!!
            Now, you may ask what can you do? Well, dig deeper into the packet and you will find a Biographical Form that you can fill out and return to us ASAP. One the goal’s of the CC is to put together a Class Biographical Booklet for all to have and share. The booklets will be given to all that attend the Reunion. 
            Secondly, you can help us find the location, addresses, phone numbers and/or emails of missing classmates. Included with this packet is a list of all the Classmates for whom we do not have addresses.  If you have any information, write to the address below or email Bill Don Eads at eadsinco@gmail.com or Butch Crossland at crosland@bta.bz (note only one s).
            Thirdly, if you want to volunteer to help one of our subcommittees, i.e., the Program Committee, Site Committee or Website Committee, please contact one of the CC members. We are especially looking for Classmates living out of State and in the DFW, Houston and Austin areas to act as Ambassadors to contact and encourage other classmates to attend.  
            Finally, we will be sending out and posting more information regarding registration, accommodations and estimated costs in a separate announcement for the....... Senior Class Road Trip!!
By: _Butch Crossland__                  
                  “Butch” Crossland, Chairman              
                  Pampa High School Class of 1962
                  P.O. Box 1962
                  Basalt, Colorado 81621                      
                   1-970-927-379-2871 “Cell”                                                  
Committee Members:                                                          Email
Mary Ellen Williams (Coon)                                    mewc7@comcast.net
Ruth Anne Guthrie (Tripplehorn)                            ruthatripplehorn@aol.com      
Sandra Whelchel (Brown )                                       sandy@cumc.com
Johnny Hatcher                                                             N/A
Dwight Mackie                                                         dashbym@yahoo.com
Bill Don Eads                                                            eadsinco@gmail.com
Sue Maxey (Atkinson)                                             suea@suddenlink.net
Dave Thomas                                                            drthomas@tegrus.com


 There is more, keep going!! 

Check out the 48th Class Reunion link.