How To Use This Site

Welcome PHS Classmates! Thanks for coming by! If this is your first visit, read below to see how to get started. Make your profile on your own web page and personalize it by adding pictures, You Tube Videos, and Playlists. Discover how to do it all right on this page! Share your page with your classmates, family, and friends. As time goes on, please remember to keep your profile up-to-date with current contact information, and enjoy using this site as a portal to reconnect with old friends between graduating years.

GET STARTED: Look to the upper left of the page and find "Classmates." Click on it and find your name there. Click on your name and it will take you to a page that says "Join Here." Then "Click here now" and follow the instructions of adding your email and password so you can interact with your classmates. You don't have to finish it all at once. Come back whenever you want to add to or update your information, or add more photos. You can print out this instruction page by choosing "File" from the top menu bar of your Internet connection. A "drop down" list will appear, and click on "Print" OR hold down the CONTROL key and click the letter key "p" and the print box will appear.

Click on a link below to get a quick answer to your question:

If you change your email address, do this...
Whitelisting - why it is important and how to do it
How to Password Protect your profile information
I've forgotten my password and can't log in-HELP!
Click "Remember Me" and you don't have to log in every time
When you change residence or phone number, do this
Email a classmate
Subscribe to classmate profiles to keep up to date
Where to find the latest classmate news
How to contact your class website administrators
Find your messages
Polls and Surveys
Forums - how to use them
About this website
Pictures - how to put them on your profile page
Pictures - how to delete them from your profile page
YouTube video - How to put a YouTube video on your profile page
Playlist - How to put a Playlist on your profile pe
Live Chat

Tips for users who are computer beginners
Member Functions links and what they mean

IMPORTANT: If you change your email address, change your email address in your profile information to continue receiving messages from your classmates.