Peggy Oftedahl Boyer

Profile Updated: September 4, 2010
Peggy Oftedahl
Residing In: Solway, MN USA
Spouse/Partner: Richard Boyer
Children: Joanne, born, 1964\
Melissa, born, 1967\
Matthew, born, 1970\
Joshua, born, 1974
Yes! Attending Reunion

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Jan 04, 2015 at 6:13 PM

Posted on: Jan 04, 2015 at 10:55 AM

Trudy, it was so nice to read about what you've been doing and that you are happy and healthy (and still beautiful). I envy you the move to Arizona - I'm still stuck here in the bitter cold. I am looking forward to the 50th, although if I can't lose some weight before then, I may stay home:) It will be fun to reconnect with everyone after so many years.