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11/21/09 04:16 PM #376    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

I will bet that most of you don’t know that our web master Gary Lassin is a two time bone Marrow Donor. Thats right Gary has saved two lives.

I am an American Red Cross member for life. I have donated over 150 units of Platelets as well as the occasional Whole Blood, Red Cell and Plasma donation.

The holidays are almost here and gifting giving is on the mind. You don’t need to be rich or wealthy to donate to the American Red Cross. You just need to be willing to donate some of yourself. Why not look into being an American Red Cross donor? Learn more at


Give up some of your time, give of yourself, and give the gift of life.

11/27/09 04:53 PM #377    

Ronnie Goldberg (1971)

Hey Kenny Goldstein!!!!! Dude, I hadn't thought of you for, like forever. I freaked when I saw the name of one of my very best Creighton friends. Remember hangin' out at Irv's pizza truck? And who was the guy who sold pretzels out of a station wagon?

12/05/09 08:58 PM #378    

Barbara Sobel (Roumaya) (1972)

I never referred to my neighborhood as Feltonville or Crescentville. Our neighbors always called it " near Sears".

12/06/09 07:30 PM #379    

Linda Silver (Lee) (1966)

i always called our neighborhood, F AND THE BLVD!!!

12/08/09 07:56 PM #380    

Sam Graffman (1970)

The F an Blvd ya thats us.....lol

12/08/09 08:16 PM #381    

Ira Graffman (1967)

"f and the blvd" is what I call it to this day.

The pretzel guy was Marty

12/09/09 07:15 PM #382    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

I don’t remember a guy who sold pretzels out of a station wagon. I got my pretzels from the water ice truck. A lemon water ice and a soft pretzel. The lemon ice had pieces of real lemon in it. What was the name of the water ice truck, was it Rosie’s?
And talking about trucks how about the Mister Softee, a banana boat with 3 scoops!!!!!! I can almost taste it now!!!

12/09/09 09:41 PM #383    

Ira Graffman (1967)

He sold pretzels at Creighton. He used to park by the school, but they told him not to so he moved across the street.

I standard pretzel for a nickle or three little ones for a nickel.

12/13/09 04:47 PM #384    

Marvin Weiss (1966)

The water ice truck was Rose's, the owner was Alan Myers' grand father and the main store was on Louden St across from the park. I can taste the cherry water ice and the soft pretzel now. Also, the pretzel guy was indeed Marty and he did move his station wagon across the street from Creighton. I never knew why until now. Boy, those were the days. Things like water ice trucks, mister softee, and candy store's on the corner, like Bill's are thing of the past. Our grand kids will never know the pleasure of walking down to the corner for a snow ball or a milk shake, or ice cream soda. What a great neighborhood we had.

12/16/09 06:05 PM #385    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

Who knows the history of Charlie’s Pizzeria? According to today’s Northeast Times State Representative Bill Rieger, who just died, was the owner operator. Was he the original owner? Was there ever a Charlie??

12/16/09 08:50 PM #386    

Ira Graffman (1967)

And then there was the day that good ol' Mr Zimba (the Creighton shop teacher for you ladies) tried to dissuade us from buying/eating Marty's pretzels. Tried all sorts of arguments including talking about how dog crap dries up and becomes airborne and how the mustard on the pretzels act as a glue. He called them doo-doo-pretzels.

That never stopped me - I loved em and still do! I'd joke how that day I got a German Shepard or collie or some other breed pretzel!

12/18/09 11:45 PM #387    

Gary Lassin (1970)

There was a Charlie! His first pizzeria was on Rising Sun Avenue. I used to go there to pickup pizza with my Dad. Later he moved to the Blvd site and his kids got involved in the business.

12/19/09 08:38 AM #388    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

To all of the members who no longer live in Philadelphia, it’s snowing today. Some say five to ten inches others say ten to twenty.

12/20/09 11:01 AM #389    

Scott Nisson (1970)

Speaking of snow, I remember waking up to the sound of metal scraping cement and soon going out to join those shoveling a path down the sidewalk in front of the house. While I miss the sound I don't miss the shoveling.
Anyone engaged in heavy lifting this morning?

12/20/09 04:04 PM #390    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

We got a record amount of snow in Philadelphia, just a bit over 22”. My two sons and I went out three times on Saturday to shovel and try to keep a head of the downfall. We were out for 2 hours today, Sunday, to dig out again and to clean off the cars. My son, Howard, was supposed to go to work this morning. No sooner did we finish when his manager called to say that he was not going to open the store today. O-well had to be done sometime. I am going to work tomorrow the hospital is never closed! I am just lucky I was not on call this weekend. A good friend was and she got called to go in, in all this mess... ~~~~

12/25/09 08:22 AM #391    

David Fine (1966)

It was a record snow fall for DEC in Phila
I had the pleasure of returning from vacation in the Caribbean and driving from Newark NJ to Bucks County and having to remove over 18" of snow from my drive way on Sunday AM, still heard that metal sound
Snow growing up meant making money by shoveling the neighbors walk for probably 50 cents and then going to Bill's and playing the pin ball machine for a nickel

Best wishes to all for a Healthy and Happy New Year
David Fine

12/27/09 10:47 PM #392    

Gary Kapalka (1973)

Will never forget trying to get the cars out of the back driveway after a snow storm. On the 5000 block of Pennway (RR track side) there was one way out and all up-hill. The "Woods" looked nice after a snow fall.

12/29/09 11:22 PM #393    

Debbie Cohen (1974)

Does anyone remember the Whitaker Mansion,and the mill?
Both burned down. I lived on Garland Street and could see both of them from my home.

01/03/10 12:44 PM #394    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

Hi all
I took a ride to the old neighborhood and I took some photos. Some things are still there, some are not. Take a look on my profile to see them. Comments and corrections welcome.

01/03/10 03:59 PM #395    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

Hi all
If anyone has old photos of any of the sites I shot to day Email them to me. I would like to put together a then and now kind of thing.

01/13/10 04:50 PM #396    

Bobby Levin (1970)

Happy New Year gang..

01/18/10 10:45 AM #397    

Lynne Nisson (White) (1965)

Instead of digging out from the snow, wer're trying trying to dig out from the trash! I'm living in the house I grew up in at Whitker and the Blvd behing the store on Whitaker. Behind the store is a dumping groung for the neighborhood! So we not only were digging out from the snow but also the trash! Any new pics needed? No problem! Patrice Nisson, (not lynne)

01/19/10 07:56 AM #398    

Joan Feinberg (Haverson) (1965)

Hello all. In addition to the 2010 reunion being planned here, Olney class of 1965 is planning a 45th. Who's here from that class?

01/23/10 12:34 PM #399    


Ron Gusoff (1970)

Hi all
I have been out with my camera again. Back to the old neighborhood. I took some "now" photos to go with the old ones I had. Look on my profile.

ALSO take a look at the last photo looks like 5014 PENNWAY ST. HAD A FIRE!

01/25/10 02:04 PM #400    

Kenny Paul (1970)


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