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•   Pierce Brubaker  7/25
•   Joseph Price  7/5
•   Brenda Kano (Mooney)  6/22
•   Bonnie Maxon (Mason)  6/13
•   Stan Kurth  5/12
•   Janet Norwine (McElroy)  3/29
•   Lynne Roberts (Paxton)  5/15
•   Vicki West (de Vos)  5/8
•   Dee Di Wolfe (Paine)  5/7
•   Laura Chaffin (Holmesley)  4/27
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

192 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
23 live in California
4 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
3 live in Florida
3 live in Idaho
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
3 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
3 live in Nevada
1 lives in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
7 live in Texas
3 live in Utah
2 live in Vermont
3 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in British Columbia
276 location unknown


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Welcome to AHS Class of 1965

We are a group of classmates who have continued friendships that have lasted almost 60 years.  As freshmen, we had the choice of attending West High, Carl Hayden or Central until Alhambra was completed.  In making that choice, we bid goodbye to grade school friends who made different choices, and said “hello” to new friends.  When Alhambra opened in the fall of 1962, at the beginning of our sophomore year, we happily renewed those grade school friendships.  Because Alhambra was a new magnet, the traditional high school pecking order did not exist.  All entered Alhambra as equals; no jocks, no nerds, no heads.  We were simply free spirited youth with bright futures.  Three years, and one national tragedy later when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in the fall of our junior year (I can remember the exact place where I was standing at Alhambra when the news came over the loud speaker, “Our President has been shot”), we graduated 542 strong.  The class of 1965 was born and continues to thrive 60 years after graduation.

One special group enjoying some of this thriving is a society of women fondly known as “The Nice Girls”, Class of ’65.   We have grown through the years and now number more than 20 strong. And, yes, grandmas can be “girls”.  We have been meeting monthly for the many many years and have participated in the planning of every class reunion.  Before entering this website, sit back and remember:

When Moms didn’t work and made homemade cookies,

When attending football games was cool,

When Bob’s Big Boy was the place to be seen,

When life was so much simpler,

Elli (Nero) Edgar

Our New Website

We are happy to invite you to our new website.  This site will help you connect with old friends and maybe make new ones.  Have fun with updating your profile and checking out what others have to say.  You can even post messages.  To access everything on this site, you need to create a quick profile. Click on your name under the Classmates Profile Tab and enter at least an email address and a password, save the page and wal-la you're in.  Come back and fill in more information later and even add pictures.  For more information on what you can do on this site, Click on the "First Time Visitors" tab at the top of the page. Check back often and invite other classmates to join.   Enjoy!

Laura (Chaffin) Holmesley - Site Administrator