In Memory

Nancy Alexander (Brom)

Nancy Alexander (Brom)

We are sad to report that Nancy passed away peacefully this morning (1/24/23).  A memorial service will be planned for sometime in the spring.  We'll post addditional details as they become available.

UPDATE:  Nancy's husband, Steve, called me today (2/6/23) to say that he will be hosting a celebration of Nancy's life on Monday, May 1, in the "Wedding Room" at Seven Springs Mountain Resort from noon to 6 PM.  There will be food, an open bar, dancing, and lots of laughter!  Everyone is welcome to come--be prepared to share your favorite "Nancy story".  I understand that Reid and Carole Carpenter are planning to be there.

Herb Kolbe

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01/29/23 06:30 AM #22    

Deborah Nagin

Wow. These picture really throw you back in time!  I have such fond memories of hanging out with Nancy, taking long walks and chatting about boys (mostly) but also life.  She was such a kind and understanding person and yes that smile was always there.   Besides the long walks and just hanging out, I remember her mom would make this yummy Chex mix -- so good -- sweet and salty and I remember Christmas -- lots of decorations -- and just a welcoming home.  Her big sister, Ginny, was also close friends with my brother, Daniel and we'd often chat with her.  So sorry about her passing.  I know we are getting older, but still seems to young.  All the best to her family.  Debbie

01/29/23 09:08 AM #23    

Norman Connors

Nancy's passing has hit me particulary hard.  I only ran into her and Steve a few times since high school but she was always a delight to be around.  We were good friends in high school and even went to the prom together.  In fact, as editor of the yearbook, Nancy put my picture in a collage that started one of the sections of the yearbook.  Oh, the scandal that ensued!  Such favoritism could not be tolerated!  It made the political discord of today pale in comparison wink

It's only now as I look back that I realize it wasn't just that she made me laugh when I was around her but that after being with her I felt a little bit better about myself.  What a marvelous gift to give someone!  Yes, it wasn't often at all that I saw Nancy after we graduated but I do treasure the times I had with her.  I will miss you tremendously, Nancy!

01/29/23 02:25 PM #24    

Dan Gray

Steve, a friend from high school swim team, please accept my sincere sympathy.  I ran into you and Nancy one day at the PennHills Theater where we saw Field of Dreams.  You both seemed so very happy.  No doubt that happiness continued throughout your long marriage.

Several of you have mentioned what a shock it is to hear about the passing of our high school classmates.  No exception for me.  Judging from the many comments from our class, it is very obvious that Nancy had a positive impact on all who knew her.  She was kind and funny.  I remember her from junior high through high school and being on FHST.  Her dad was always a big help with the team back then.  She will be missed by many.  Rest in peace, Nancy.  Hopefully, Steve you will find consolation in knowing that so many have great memories of you both.

01/30/23 09:17 AM #25    

Howard Pitler

I was saddened to hear about Nancy's passing. She was always friendly and welcoming. My thoughts are with her family. 

01/30/23 01:06 PM #26    

Sharon Connolly (Mitchell)

Sorry to hear about Nancy's passing. My condolences to her family

01/30/23 03:07 PM #27    

William Zoller

I was so sorry to hear of Nancy's passing. She was a distant cousin and she always called me "cuz". She always had a kind word and was one of those positive people who made you feel good. She deserved a much longer life.

01/30/23 10:18 PM #28    

Joann Lazzaro

I remember Nancy from 6th grade at Atlantic Ave. when my family moved to Forest Hills, through high school. My condolences to her family and friends. May she rest in peace!

01/31/23 05:02 PM #29    

Amy Lombardo

Expressing sincere sympathy to Nancy's family. So sad to be losing classmates at our age. Way too young.

04/18/23 05:51 AM #30    

Gary Sapp

Sorry to hear about Nancey. Always a friendly, Warm Person. Gary 

05/01/23 10:27 AM #31    

Debra Barringer

Nancy was always positive and friendly. It was nice to have her in our school days. I believe she worked on the highschool yearbook with my dad. Bob Barringer would have good statemments about the pleasent plans for photography publishing with Nancy. 

I will not be able to join in the festivities today. I wish I could be at the party. I know you'll find lots of joy today. Know we love Nancy and you. Debbie b

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