Dawn Roush

Profile Updated: November 12, 2009
Dawn Roush
Class Year: 1986
Residing In: Port Charlotte, FL USA
Occupation: Court Reporter
Yes! Attending Reunion

After high school I attended Edison for two years taking music classes. After Edison and after much persuasion from Laren and I we finally talked my parents into letting me go to the University of Miami for my last two years. I majored in music education there and played both the french horn and piano. After our music program at PCHS and the music education I got at Edison I was really disappointed in the music program at UM. But I would not have traded those two years for anything. I made a lot of great friends and had even more great experiences. I came back to Port Charlotte and substituted for a couple of years. I hated every second of it but the band directors loved having a substitute that wouldn't fall for the "Really, this is my instrument" trick. Mr. Kraus used to even tell me to go through his music cabinet and find some stuff to sight read. He also got me into playing the french horn for local musical theater (Charlotte Players and (eek) Charlotte High's annual musical theater performances.) I did that for a few years and had a ball. By the time I got my 75th rejection letter to teach I saw a pamphlet laying around for court reporting and figured, well, what the heck. I might as well give that a try. And then after I got out of school I got a job because someone knew someone who knew someone who had just opened up a court reporting business and was anxiously trying to find a court reporter. So they called me to ask me to work for them. So whenever I ever wonder if I am where I am supposed to be in life, I know without question. I fell right into it and I thank God every day that I did. I LOVE my job!

What do I do for fun? Well, after many years of no vacations, someone finally convinced me that I really could afford to take a vacation; so we went to Seattle and Alaska. That was one of the biggest mistakes in my life. I have now been bitten by the travel bug and I could easily take several vacations a year. We have since gone to Tennessee for a long weekend and New York City this past Christmas and now we're wondering where next. Most of my time I spend working - honestly! Did I mention I love my job? I'm also really involved in church activities. Dad always laughs at me because whenever there's something going on at church I drive around town making the rounds picking up all the little old ladies to bring them to the church or wherever we're meeting. I'm also the church pianist and am on several committees there. I belong to a group that plays two piano music and we put on two concerts a year. I also am researching my family history. It's too bad I didn't realize that history could be so interesting in high school.

Except for going to UM I've been in Port Charlotte, well, since the day I was born, actually. It's funny how when we were growing up everyone couldn't wait to get out of town and now it seems like half of us stayed here. I used to hate it because it was so small. Now I think it's getting too big and too busy here. Oh, well. I'm very content here and content in my life.

School Story:

Most any of the amusing school stories would only make sense to two or three people so I guess I'm kind of limited here. But every minute of my time with the band was memorable. I am so grateful for the friends I made in the band and I could go on for three pages about the memories there.

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Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Dawn Roush has a birthday today.
Oct 13, 2015 at 4:33 AM
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:24 AM
Hiking on Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, AK, August 2007