In Memory

Joan Gaitanis (Mills)

Joan (Gaitanis) Mills passed away Jan. 11, 2008 in Chatanooga, TN. She was employed by Unum Provident as an Administrative Assistant. She also worked with the Animal Rights Activists. She was a member of St. Therese Catholic Church. She was preceded in death by her father, Michael John Gaitanis.

She is survived by her son, Michael Joseph Mills; mother, Dorothy Gaitanis; brother, John Michael Gaitanis; sister, Willa Carey Gaitanis and two nieces.

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11/08/16 01:01 AM #1    

Shawn Goodman

I'm sorry to hear about Joan. I remember the joking she and I shared in several classes we took together.  She was fun to be around.

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