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•   Tim Escue  8/20
•   Brian Parris  1/5
•   Donna Bellino (Maddox)  1/1
•   Marlynn Boozer (Whited)  11/2
•   Marilyn Bryant  10/20
•   Lisa Fairris (Beach)  10/5
•   Jill Murray (Bowen)  10/5
•   Angie Wells (Bryan)  10/4
•   Rebecca Frost (Glenn)  10/4
•   Terisa Thomas (Martin)  10/3
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

29 live in Alabama
1 lives in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in North Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
56 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Plainview High School
Class Of 1984


 Welcome to the Plainview High School Class of 1984 website. This website is for our classmates to stay in touch with each other. Please take the time to enter you information and also to add pictures of your families. 

Reunion News (I posted a few reunion pics. under my profile.)

We had a great reunion! The turnout was low, but we still had a great time. Our class is one of the few classes left that actually have a reunion every five years. It is almost an impossible task to keep up with everyone. My apologies to anyone that did not receive a written invitation through the mail. I had many returned with addresses that had changed. I tried to get the information out to those with changed addresses through word of mouth and this website. I am sure that some did not get the word. Always know that everyone is welcome at our class reunions. We have tentatively set the next reunion for the first Saturday night in October in the year 2014. (that seems so far off). The newly renovated Guntersville Lodge could possibly be the site. Make plans now to attend! LOL

Angie Wells Bryan
