Ginger Griffin Eppinette

Profile Updated: April 3, 2018
Ginger Griffin
Residing In: Los Angeles, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Matthew
Occupation: Instructional Designer
Children: 1 Fur-child, Bailey, a fox-hound
Yes! Attending Reunion

I graduated with a degree in Education from LSUS. (I met Matthew at LSUS and got married 3 days after graduation.) I taught elementary school in Bossier for 5 years. I went to Northwestern and received a Masters in Educational Technology. Then I worked for Bossier School Board as a Technology Coordinator for 4 years. (Yes, I'm a techno geek!)

In 2001, Matthew decided to do a career change and we moved to Chicago for him to go back to school where he received a Masters in Bioethics. Then I decided to do one too and we worked together at a non-profit bioethics law firm in downtown Chicago.

But then we decided we needed a different view, so we moved to Los Angeles for 8 years. And while that is still our home base, we're currently traveling full time between family in Alabama and Tennessee helping care for our aging parents.

I also have a side business as a Wedding Coordinator and Event Planner. I love parties!

We love to travel and, thankfully, get to do it a lot. I also still love to sing and get to do it fairly often.

School Story:

**1988 Football season and yelling until my voice was hoarse.

**Julie's Halloween party...I think I danced for 6 hours non-stop!

**Those hideous purple glasses...what was I thinking?!?!

**Building our class float in Amy's garage.

**And all the "aimless wandering" ;)

Are you doing now what you thought you would be when you graduated? How's it different?

NOT AT ALL!!! God has a great sense of humor (although at times I didn't think that)!

If you could build a second house or move anywhere, where would it be?

A beach with the ocean on one side and mountains on the other!

What was the last CD you bought or song you downloaded?

Quite diverse!
"Hail the Blest Morn" for the Advent choir at church, "So What" by P!nk, and "In a Little While" by Uncle Kracker

What states/countries have you lived in?

Louisiana, of course. Alabama, Missouri, Illinois, and now California!

What's your favorite vacation spot?

See question above about the beach!

Ever swam in the ocean? Details?

Yep...lots. Remember? I love the beach! The most memorable would be the South China Sea.

Ever karaoke? Details?

Oh yeah! Quite often. I just don't know why more people don't like it!

Ever laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Details?

Don't think so.

Ever danced your heart out? Details?

Daily! I never get embarrassed, so I dance anywhere, anytime. In fact, I'm dancing as I write this. At work. To Mary J. Blige.

Body piercings? (Besides ears) Details?


Tattoos? Of What?

Not yet...but I have made a pact with a few peeps for my 40th b-day. Any suggestions?

Ever steal traffic signs? Details?

Never! Shame on you, Rhonda and Russell!

Ever been on TV or in a movie?

Just news reports...nothing big.

Have any nicknames?

Haven't we talked about this before? I have a lot of nicknames...Ginja, Ninja, Dinder, Spice, Faye, HUG, Jengibre (spanish) and I'll stop there.

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