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Stewart Francke

Profile Updated: November 17, 2016
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Tess Francke, 1994
Stewart Francke III, 1996
Are you a member of any social media groups?

AHHS Reunion Group on Facebook
Google Plus+

What are your favorite Arthur Hill memories?

Wonderful friends too many to name

Girls in our class were largely very kind and very attractive--sorry, but when you're 17, hormones tend to rule your every thought. Kinda still do.

Friday night football and partying afterward...great fun...so much energy and innocence

Mr. Becker

A real cynical teacher whose name I can't remember who taught history or social studies who told us we'd all be listening to country music in 20 years and he was right. He'd lean his chair back and put his head on the chalkboard and it always left a big oily stain.

Hearing Mrs. Wacker yelling at me in the hall when I was skipping class

Tennis season in the cold and snow

Musicals I attended that students were in and it was enjoyable and opened me up stylistically.

Mr. Purdy.

Miss DeFord...

Graduation day and night was magnificent time of year and life...so alive, so much hope and ambition. Fun

Did I mention the girls in our class?

If you had the chance, would you go back and relive your high school years, and if yes, what would you differently?

If you mean could I be 17 again with so much life in front of me? Well hell yea.
Can it be knowing what I know now? Wouldn't go to high school, probably.
If I did repeat high school, I'd actually attend the classes and listen and learn and I'd probably try and be kinder than I was. I wouldn't worry about much.

What's left on your "bucket list?"

I think aging is actually quite wonderful; it's just this death thing that tends to cause me to freak out a touch. But I do feel as you age you become the person you were meant to be all along and I somewhat feel that.````````e old cliches are so true. The years really do fly by. It truly is the blink of an eye. Life really is as short as they tell you it is. And there really is a God – do I really buy that one too? If all the other cliches are true...I'll never know until c'est fini. Here's what's left on bucket list:

1.Watch my children prosper and enjoy living as young adults.
2.Write more songs, make more records, write better songs, make better records, express..
3.Raise money and awareness for leukemia and bone marrow donation searches.
4. Live from the realm of the spirit, not the realm of the ego.
5.Travel to Europe and drink Tavel in Tavel, FR.
6.Write another book, possibly fiction.
7.Watch the US Open (tennis) in NYC in September.
8.Play more live shows at good venues with great musicians.
9. See Scandinavia—don’t know why but I feel this strong affinity with Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
10.Make some fuck you money
11. Drive across this country and back.
12..Try to die with no regret. Leave something of substance to my kids--an awareness, a kindness, a political conscience, maybe even some money.

Who was/were your favorite teacher(s) and why?

Mr. Barron? Was he a teacher? He was funny at times and kept us focused.
A history teacher I can't recall his name--taught us Civil War details and was a very good college style prof.
Mr. McSomething cuz Shelly Nolan & I laughed the whole hour.
This is sad, but that's about it. I wasn't real committed to education yet.

What were your favorite classes?

History, art, homeroom.

What music are you listening to now?

Too much to list, but generally the music we came of age to -- classic radio rock to indie acoustic stuff to arcane Americana and African township songs. I tend to eat, sleep and breathe music, so it's hard to quantify and list. I've not quite gotten on the hip hop bandwagon, but like a few rappers like Eminem and Tupac.

Artists and bands I listen to often include: Bowie, Harry Nilsson, Tom Waits, Dylan, Psychedelic Furs, Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen, Adele, Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, James Taylor, Leonard Cohen, Marley, Sam Cooke...endless.

Tell us about your hobbies, sports you play, or other interests.

Tennis, reading, gardening kinda

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Nov 17, 2016 at 3:30 PM
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Nov 17, 2016 at 3:30 PM
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Posted: Jan 31, 2024 at 8:38 AM
Posted: Nov 17, 2016 at 3:30 PM