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In Memory of


Mark Knutson

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06/04/16 08:16 PM #1    

Judith "Judy" Sandage (Murphy)

Mark was a wonderful person and always was very close to my heart even though we never dated when we were teenagers, etc - but he used to walk me home and give me little trinkets he got out of gumball machines, cracker jacks etc and I still have those trinkets in my jewelry box -- he gave them to me when we must have been aroun 7 or 8 and he was my first "boyfriend".  When in highschool he was always as charming as could be and such fun to be around and talk to.  (yes English majors I made a boo boo).  I have always thought of him throughout my lifetime - wonderful memories of a great friend and highschool classmate.  I will NEVER forget him.  May God be with you and your family always.  Someday we can have another laugh or two up in Heaven.

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