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10/13/08 09:22 AM #538    

Bridgett Wester (Hilley)

It would also be a good day for Jennifer to get those reunion pictures on here. PLEASE

10/13/08 11:01 PM #539    

Sandy Minyard (Roberts)

a good day to let the kids visit some family members. Ha!

10/14/08 07:58 AM #540    

Bridgett Wester (Hilley)

I Love my grandmother, and she wanted me to bring the kids over, so I did. She fed them, played with them, and we all had a good time. It turned out to be a great day!

10/16/08 09:41 AM #541    

Brandy Owens (Stanfield)

I had a humbling experience at work yesterday, I had to help Nedra Watson pick out some kids clothes. Needless to say I felt maybe 2 inches tall. Perhaps my guilt was justified.

10/16/08 09:47 AM #542    

Sandy Minyard (Roberts)

Brandy, Bless your Heart. Hang in there. Rise above your past. I too am carrying the same guilt, at least you have come face to face with it and now can come to terms. I however am still stained with the crimes of my past.

10/16/08 09:48 AM #543    

Sandy Minyard (Roberts)

Oh and Brandy thanks for telling someone when your in the hospital. I appriciate the heads up. Oh and tell Mike he still owes me a dollar.

10/19/08 01:45 PM #544    

Jennifer Snead (Mitchell)


10/29/08 11:33 AM #545    

Thea Wallace (Carnes)

No Nedra still lives at home with her mom just down the road from you Jenn. She lives by the turks that have the deer her mom still drives her around....

10/29/08 04:17 PM #546    

Bridgett Wester (Hilley)

THEA CALL ME! I want those pictures please.

12/01/08 10:43 PM #547    

Sandy Minyard (Roberts)

Hope everyone had a great turkey day. I was hoping everyone would keep this thing going i really enjoyed it.

12/02/08 01:20 PM #548    

Jennifer Snead (Mitchell)

Hey everybody! Sandy I want it to keep it going too! I have heard the reunion was fun, I hate that I missed it!

12/02/08 11:09 PM #549    

Amber Yvette (Hallmark)

I would also like to keep this going. I have been so busy this is the first time I've been able to get on in a while. School is driving me crazy!!! Well, just my psychology class. And I started a new job at a daycare, like I don't have anything else going on. At least my kids are slowing down, sort of. Cole decided not to play basketball but Griffin is and Olivia is not cheerleading but she starts gymnastics next week. Oh yeah, and I've got to take Cole to the hospital tomorrow to have his foot xrayed b/c he stubbed and broke his little toe on Sunday and his doctor wants to make sure he didn't break any bones in his foot.'s always something.

12/03/08 01:38 AM #550    

Kerri Hubbard (Cornelius)

Missed you and Hunter at the library today. The oriental lady was there today and had her little girl in a summer dress with no coat on!!!!! I think she is so crazy. She always looks like she has not had a bath. I feel so sorry for those little kids. It was so cold today and that poor little girl with a halter dress on, I know she was freezing! If I would have had a coat in the car I would have gave it to her. I think they really need some clothes, bless their little hearts.


12/03/08 01:46 PM #551    

Bridgett Wester (Hilley)

Hey Kerri.... I slept right thru reading time Tuesday. I was out late on Monday for a Christmas party (seems to early for one of those)but we will be back next week.

12/05/08 09:34 AM #552    

Sandy Minyard (Roberts)

Jennifer I wish you could have been there it was great seeing everyone again.

Amber I know about the kid thing. You run around so much for them and then they say thing like mine did this morning. I told my oldest one i had to take some medicine and he said thats what you get for being a woman once you start aging your body stops functioning right. I was like thanks kid it's partly your fault.

12/10/08 09:28 AM #553    

Sandy Minyard (Roberts)

I hope everyone is having a great time getting ready for Christmas I'm looking forward to gaining a couple of pounds of joy and love over the holidays. I'm getting ready for Our church's Christmas play. I'm always nervous about it. I would like to hear from you guys so if any one wants to email me you can email me at I spend most of my time with my children so adult conversation is always good.

12/21/08 05:23 PM #554    

Miranda Gilley (Yount)

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

12/29/08 11:50 AM #555    

Miranda Gilley (Yount)

I think most people are using Facebook now for staying in touch for right now!!!!

01/11/09 11:37 PM #556    

Jennifer Snead (Mitchell)

Hey everybody!

03/18/09 05:23 PM #557    

Shane Johnson

anyone out there?

03/18/09 10:19 PM #558    

Brian Carnes

What's up Shane! The sight's kind of quiet lately. If you get the time, come see me at Logan's. I've made good on the free dinner to all who've come to see me so far. I really do enjoy seeing everyone. It's one of the few careers where friends and family are encouraged to come by. And you can have a beer.

03/20/09 05:46 PM #559    

Shane Johnson

hey brian you at the one in gadsden? been a few times love the peanuts. maybe we can make it up there soon on a weekend. how is everyone your way? you still on the civil war circuit? got to go to gettisburg this past august. it was great. hope to see you soon. can always use free anything. haha glad to here you are doing good

03/29/09 07:22 PM #560    

Shane Johnson

hello is there someone else out there?

07/30/09 06:16 PM #561    

Bridgett Wester (Hilley)

Sad to see that so many months have passed with no comments. There for awhile it was so hot!

08/10/09 11:05 AM #562    


Jennifer Smith (Oliver)

I think we've all pretty much moved to Facebook to stay in touch. Come see me at :)

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