In Memory

Jerry Bresin

Jerry Bresin

Jerry L. Bresin - 12/24/1950 - 6/7/2021

The world lost a beautiful man yesterday morning. Jerry Bresin passed away around 10:15 AM MST (6:15 PM UK) following his first bit of peaceful sleep in days, with his loving wife Cheryll at his side. Jerry fought through heart failure, parkinson's and ultimately gave in to a staph infection. He is survived by his wife, Cheryll, his daughters, Allison, Rebecca, and Leat Sharon, his beloved nephew Phillip, his sister Shiela, and his 4 grandchildren- Emmie, Toby, Carter, and Raegan. Jerry was known for his heart, his humor, and his green thumb. When he laughed, it was with his whole self, and it filled the room with joy. He was known for shedding a tear now and again over a beautiful moment or a kind word. You could find him in the garden, growing something beautiful, cigar in his mouth, kept company by Ziva, his poodle. Nothing made him more proud than his daughters and his grandchildren. The family is mourning from all corners of the Earth due to Covid. Allison will be hosting a Shiva in Phoenix, AZ later this week - times and dates to come. Please bless the family with your parting words for Jerry, or even better, your favorite memory. Their hearts are broken with loss and could use any healing words in this very difficult time.

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06/10/21 02:06 PM #4    

Nancy Harris

Jerry always asked me to dance in the lunch time dances we had at Byron. I was grateful that during this awkward time in our lives he was kind and friendly. I was happy to see on Facebook that he had made a beautiful family for himself. I'm so sorry to hear about his death and the loss his family will have to endure. 

06/11/21 12:15 AM #5    

Mab Emsheimer (O'Connor)

So very sad to see this.... Jerry was so fun loving and shared pictures on Facebook with me of guitars and his family and dog.... He had all these medical issues and still had his sense of humor.. My heart goes out to his entire family.. It was an honor to have called him a friend,.... 


06/11/21 01:49 PM #6    

Robert B. Kleinman

Jerry was my best friend during our early years and it continued until he moved to England where we lost touch. He was a very caring person toward everyone and would drop everything to help. We will miss him!

06/12/21 03:17 PM #7    

Milan Tiff

Crossed paths once at a restaurant with Jerry. He said, " are you Mian Tiff that went to Shaker High School " He sat down and we talked. In our conversation, he made Shaker seem as though it were yesterday. Great guy. 

06/13/21 02:38 AM #8    

Victoria Duff (MacDonald)

I am so sorry to read of Jerry's passing. He was a kind, insightful and compassionate boy with a mischievous smile and was admirably brave in his later years.  I know he will be sorely missed  by his family and close friends. May his memory be a blessing.

With respect,

Vicky Duff MacDonald.

06/13/21 08:07 AM #9    

James B. Anderson

Was friends with Jerry in Jr High.  Fun guy. My wife and I met up with him in London about 6 years ago. He couldn't have been more excited to show us around town.  Miss you Jerry 

06/13/21 08:55 AM #10    

Stevi Stephanie Baskin (Baskin)

My deepest sympathies to Jerry's family ,a very kind man that will be missed by many

Stevi Baskin

06/14/21 07:31 AM #11    

Jan Campbell (Campbell)

That wonderful smile as we caught each other's eye in the hallway or lunch room brightened the space. It was a smile that always brought a smile in return. So sorry for his loss and prayers for his family. I am, however, glad that Jerry had such a wonderful life. 

06/14/21 02:21 PM #12    

Sharon Brown (Malloy-Spring)

So terribly saddened to hear of the passing of dear Jerry...we had reconnected on FB some years ago, and we enjoyed chatting about our mutual love of England( my birthplace), and all Jerrys' experiences in his adopted Country. I remember Jerry so vividly from the Byron days...we played in the Band together under Mr.J.Booth, we were in many classes together, (and he was always full of fun, wit and zest for life), and when you met up in the hallways, he always had a smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye. He was a strong fighter, and faced his health concerns with strength, bravery and determination, always remaining positive and resilient! I shall miss Jerry, and  our friendly chats, and my heart goes out to his wife, girls, and grandkids...for the world is indeed, a much sadder place, for his loss. 

Rest in eternal Peace dear will never be forgotten 🙏🏻😇🙏🏻

06/18/21 09:21 AM #13    

Patricia Hrutkay (Seeger)

I so appreciated Jerry's smile & humor, and his determination to embrace this life as best he could in 'spite of' and 'including whatever life's challenges' he faced! May you now be at peace Jerry; and may your wife Cheryll/ daughters/grandchildren have strength in coping as they 'they walk the days ahead'!


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