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•   Bill Czaja  11/29
•   Chad Hill  5/21
•   Annmarie Mobley (Breeggemann)  4/14
•   David Hyatt  1/9
•   Adam Jurewicz  2/16
•   Nancy Newton (Theis)  10/5
•   Lisa Growden (Opem)  6/28
•   Kerrie Snell (Troseth)  6/26
•   Lori Hogen (Brandon)  5/23
•   Mary Jorgenson  4/19
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

4 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
105 live in Minnesota
1 lives in North Dakota
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in South Dakota
1 lives in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
93 location unknown
1 is deceased


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Welcome to the Shakopee Sr High Class Of 1989 web site.

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Does anyone want to be responsible for a video of 1989 pictures?


We met on the Saturday after Christmas for a reunion planning party (I am sorry if you didnt get the message I tried to email everyone I had email address' before I knew how to do it through this site. Oops!)  We had to make an executive decision to get this party started.

WHAT: 20 Year Class Reunion for classmates and their partner

WHEN: 7:00 Friday July 10th 2009

WHERE: Dangerfields

HOW MUCH: $20.00 per person or couple to cover appetizers. Please send check to Dangerfields 1583 East First Avenue Shakopee MN 55379. Cash bar.

We are looking for someone to help out with putting together a video of picutres. I will let you know soon of a central location to download your favorite high school memories.

Also we are still looking to have a informal very casual BBQ at Barb Odenwalds on Saturday if you want to continue the fun. This will be bring a dish and your own drinks. Barb is the most easy going woman I know so dont worry about feeling uncomfortable she is AWESOME!! Thank you Rachel for offering!!  '

I am looking forward to having a great time. Please feel free to comment or if you have questions. We wanted to get a date and place fixed so people can plan.  THANKS!