Maureen Horton Metcalf

Profile Updated: March 18, 2010
Residing In: Sheridan, WY USA
Spouse/Partner: Ryan
Occupation: Executive Director
Children: Ashley, born 1992; Makayla born 1996; Ryan Matthew born 2005

In 1992 I was married to Ryan. We have three beautiful, well-rounded children who are the center of our life. . Aside of my current educational aspirations I have enjoyed singing/writing music with my sisters, however as parents, Ryan and I believe our most successful job/hobby to date has been raising our children. I finished my degree in Human Service/Management and started Doctorate school to beome an industrial/organizational psychologist in Feb. 2010. I have been the Executive Director for Legacy Pregnancy Resource Center since August 2009. I was the Chairperson for the board for six months prior to my new position. Very rewarding work!

School Story:

Any memory I have with Jennie is great and I continue to treasure our frienship. When I actually think of a story, I will post it!

Where else have you lived?

Only Sheridan!

What's your favorite vacation?

The road trip we took as a family a few years back to the "Mall of America", and homestead of Little House on the Praire. Up to this point we had always flown to our vacations and when we offered the list of possible destinations this was their choice and it really was a blast!

What's your dream vacation?


Do you still have family around Sheridan, WY?


What did you do right after high school?

Married Ryan and had Ashley, started the Sheridan College and Normative Services as a Treatment Coordinator and Choir Director

What are the high points of your life since high school?

Children, Marriage, closeknit family, musical experiences, my lifelong friendship with Jennie, and my current appreciation and interest in pursueing higher education.

What's the farthest you've been from home?

New York

What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

Console my sister who lost their 8 year old daughter last Jan.

Supporting Jennie through Christy's illness.

What's the oddest thing you have ever done?

I guess now I would say, taking a huge leap of faith by quitting a job I knew inside and out after 16 years. Giving up a good paycheck, benefits, lots of vacation days, all the things I worked so hard to achieve, but couldn't stay on principle alone. To know me and how controlling/ritualistic I can be, this was out of the ordinary yet the right decision for the right reasons!

What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your life so far?

Nearly 18 years of marriage and raising children with moral character and steadfast faith!

What's your favorite memory of SHS?

My lifelong friendship with Jennie and meeting my husband

What the biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at SHS?

Take my educational studies/sports more seriously

What's your favorite movie of all time?


What is your favorite song(s) of all time?

Tough one, I like so many!

Who is the most interesting or famous person you have met?

I met a variety of people in Nashville that have now found major success in the music industry. I am not in touch now, but I have the memories of "hanging out" with them before their success

What is your current favorite t.v. show?

Hmmm! I don't watch much TV???

What's your favorite book?

Hmmm, to many to choose from. Currently I am reading "Captivating the heart of a woman's soul", this is a good book for women, obviously!

What are your hobbies or interests?

Music, outdoors, scrapbooking, lately it seems my children's hobbies have become my own.

What's your biggest fears?

Losing family members to illness/accident

What's your biggest hopes?

That my children are always happy and that I can find success with the field I am pursuing in Sheridan

Are you interested in going to the 20th class reunion for SHS?

Heck yes, I'll be there!

Attending Reunion


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Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 10:00 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:59 PM