Vennita Wood Wilson

Profile Updated: January 22, 2011
Residing In: Las Vegas, NV USA
Spouse/Partner: No one currently...
Occupation: Corporate Drone for the time being....
Children: Linneah, 16 and a total handful!

I was shocked when I was googling myself (lol, to see where my web presence level was for work, not for my ego!) and saw this site with my name on it. Flashback City!!

I am anxious to see where everyone is, has been, and what they are doing!

School Story:

It has been so much fun getting reconnected with people! It's funny, I thought I didn't really have any friends at SHS, but I have connected with so many...It is so nice!
I never fit in since moving to Sheridan in the eighth grade. So, whether it was my fault, "their" fault, or circumstances, it was a rough road to hoe.

Where else have you lived?

I moved from Sheridan to Northern Nevada, and then moved to Southern Nevada a few years later, and have been here ever since.

What's your favorite vacation?

Vacation? What's that? Still waiting on that vacation!

What's your dream vacation?

One where the climate is balmy, the beach is clean and quiet, there are lot's of good wine, friends, room service, no phones, internet, and NO WORK!!!

Do you still have family around Sheridan, WY?


How often do you get back to Sheridan, WY?

Only once since I left in 93'

Would you ever move back to Sheridan, WY?

Only if the money was right, and my kid is out of the house. LOL!

What did you do right after high school?

I got married to a Cop, made a baby, made a life, a business, etc. Very boring, and not what ANYONE thought I would do.
Now I am embarking on a new adventure in my life. Standing on my own two feet, and although it can be rough, I am enjoying every minute of it!

What are the high points of your life since high school?

Motherhood, My new career in such a fun and friendly industry! Also, at one time being extremely politically active and meeting our Country's leaders.

What's the farthest you've been from home?

NY City

What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

Choosing to have surgery to save my life while pregnant with my daughter. God blessed us both with our lives that night.

What's the oddest thing you have ever done?

Let me think on that one for a bit...

What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your life so far?

My daughter. Hokey I know.

What's your favorite memory of SHS?

I loved being in the plays.....It was the best part of my whole HS time.

What's your least favorite memory of SHS?

Leaving it. I never got to show myself how great I could really be in school.

What the biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at SHS?

Not care what anyone thought, and just enjoy my time there, get invloved in activities, and be the braniac I REALLY was on the inside. Make better choices. Stay away from BOYS!

What's your favorite movie of all time?

Anything with Sam Elliot in it.

What is your favorite song(s) of all time?

Eurythmics; Sweet Dreams.

Who is the most interesting or famous person you have met?

Rudy G.

What is your current favorite t.v. show?

Grey's Anatomy

What's your favorite book?

John Adams, Ladies of Liberty are both my faves. CUrrently reading "His Excellency", a great book about George Washington. Awsome.

What are your hobbies or interests?

I love reading, board games, tennis, Wii-ing, cooking (not a foodie, just like to cook) and anything that allows me to get creative.

What's your biggest fears?

Making the wrong life choices for my daughter; her making the same mistakes I did.

What's your biggest hopes?

My daughter grows up and makes the world a better place with her big brain, and her big compassionate heart.

Are you interested in going to the 20th class reunion for SHS?

Heck yes, I'll be there!

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:59 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:59 PM
