Barbara Faver Herod

Profile Updated: July 27, 2018
Residing In Fort Worth, TX USA
Spouse/Partner Gerrald Karcher
Occupation Retired Educator .. self employed at present
Children Kelly Lynn Herod Wagner..born July 28, 1974
School Story

One huge thing that stands out is that freakin Freshman initiation . Really?? If that ever happened today , the principal would have been fired. We were covered in everything from mud,mayonnaise, ketchup , oil, and yes.. I think there was urine involved. We went to class for a moment until we were told to go home and clean up because we were making people sick ( I assume...😳). Ahh.. the good ole days 😊

Barbara's Latest Interactions

Barbara Faver Herod added a photo to profile gallery.
Feb 04, 2018 at 5:31 PM
Posted: Feb 04, 2018 at 5:31 PM
