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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 94.0%

A:   47   Joined
B:   3   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Bobby Williams  12/16
•   Hayley Williamson  9/2
•   Kimberly Tapper (Long)  4/15
•   Laura Scheerer (Moncrief)  4/4
•   Lisa Williamson (Witt)  1/2
•   Angela Johnson (Applegate)  1/1
•   Heather Kelly (Baddley)  4/5
•   Amanda Bishop (Jett)  1/2
•   Lamonte Moncrief  9/16
•   Chris Graham  9/14
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arkansas
1 lives in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Minnesota
20 live in Mississippi
3 live in Missouri
9 live in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Kenya
1 lives in South Korea
3 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Southern Baptist
Educational Center
Class Of 1989








Myspace Layouts

Welcome to the SBEC CLASS of 1989 reunion website! This site has been created for the greatest class to have ever walked the halls of SBEC! It is so hard to believe that almost 20 years have past us by! 


Take a stroll down memory lane as you relive stories from long ago, laugh as you glance at old pictures and see old familiar faces (and see how big our hair REALLY was!), reconnect with dear friends that we have lost touch with, and keep up to date on surveys and plans for our TWENTY YEAR REUNION!!!!!! 

Make sure you check in often, if not DAILY, for this site is an ongoing, never complete project that will continuously be updated!! (yes, I do get bored at night, and start digging around for something to add!) lol You never know what EMBARRASSING photo I might come across and stick on here--so keep popping in!!!  


 Check out the other class websites at:

 Here's some transformations. . . hope you like them, will try to change them out every couple of weeks~~therefore, going to need your pictures if you would like to see your smiling faces on here!!!! 


A Pair of Deuces

 Check the Transformations page on the side to see the previous transformed classmates!!!





Funny Bumper Stickers at


Jay Delony  9/18
Steven McCommon  10/12


Hey everyone!! Yes, I have neglected this site! I am has just been much easier keeping in touch with most of you through facebook....

However, if you have any updated pictures that you would like here on the site, feel free to send them to me or post on your profile.



Myspace Layouts


Here's some of the pics that Jeff gave me to get on here! Check out the others on the Senior Cruise Pics page, and there are a few new pictures added on the Different Classes!! page, also!!

 3-30-09~~ Just added new slides onto the Senior Cruise Pics and Different Classes!! pages!! take a look!
1-17-09 ~~~ Just added some more pictures to the Couples slideshow on the More Pics page, and take a look at the new page, Different Classes!! . . . this is where I will add pictures that we have of our classmates with friends in the other classes. . .86, 87, 88, and 90.


I hope you all enjoy some of the music from the 80's!!

Let me know if there's a song you would like me to post!!