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•   Matt Roether  11/28
•   Billy Austin  6/20
•   Lori Wheatley (Godbey)  6/17
•   Steve Voris  1/14
•   Amber Weimer (Potts)  1/7
•   Beth Griffith (Jackson)  11/16
•   Angie Stepp (Campbell)  7/7
•   Jamey Wallace  2/1
•   Shauna Crabtree (Eller)  1/26
•   Gretchen Fry (Morris)  8/3
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

5 live in California
1 lives in Connecticut
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
4 live in Kentucky
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in New Mexico
60 live in Ohio
1 lives in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Netherlands
89 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!




Special Thanks to Heather Leuzinger Sukola and Matt Roether

(if he will ever send them to me-Just Joking Matt)

for taking all all of the pictures...




This is the Official Springboro High School Class of 1989 Reunion Page



 First and foremost, this is a GROUP WEB SITE. We need everyone to participate. With everyone's input, we can make this a great event.

 If you are new here, please Edit Profile is up above. Update your name, your relationship status, where you are, where you've been there. If you are not listed yet, send us an e-mail to add ya.

 Please visit our surveys and our message forum. There are questions and links to help in the planning and organiation of OUR Reunion. Please don't be shy. If something is stupid, say so. If you have a great idea, let us know.

 The REUNION is going to take a bunch of VOLUNTEERS. If you can help, please help. We need a Head Coordinator. This person should be close to Springboro. If you are interested, please help. I am out of state, so it will make it hard to plan everything. Also, if you would like to be a Co-Administrator, e-mail me. This page takes alot of work and time. I will take any help I can get.


Jamey Wallace  9/24
Noel Meyer  9/25
Chad Abney  9/29
Chris Lindberg  9/30
Kevin Ousley  10/19
