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Those who worked at Fellows may find this particularly interesting.

Brought to our attention by Louise Kendall Peale, class of '60.


Ken Spence thinks this driver has a little to learn about parking.

What a paint job!

How a Tesla is made. Brought to our attention by Bud Kearney

A talented puppeteer brought to our attention by Tom Chase '57

Clever. Brought to our attention by John Raymond.

VW Factory in Germany

Joel Chapman tipped me off to this one years ago. I just ran across it again.

This has been on the SHS Class of 1960 site forever. It deserves additional exposure.

An inside look at a huge dairy farm. Brought to our attention by Tom Chase, class of '57.

Some incredible underwater photography brought to our attention by "Rip" Ripchick class of '57.

Brought to our attention by "Rip" Ripchick class of '57. I know this will appeal to the geeks amongst us and I'll bet even the non-geeks enjoy it.

 Some daring and need we say crazy stunts? Courtesy of Ray Lemire, SHS Class of '68.

Seems to be the season for foreign language videos. However, Joel Chapman says that you don't have to be able to understand German to appreciate this salesman's pitch.

Sing like No One is Watching

Brought to our attention by Peter Means. SHS class of '63.

Want to feel old? This was recorded in 1965. Thanks to Richard "Rip" Ripchick for bringing this to our attention.

Found and recommended by Natalie Kinsman Brown

It's back again.

From another Class Creator site.

Som Sabadell flashmob

A New Years Video

Brought to our attention by Dottie Phillips Richardson.

Brought to our attention by Ken Spence. It's a much more detailed look at the airport that is part of the Miniature Wonderland just above.
