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Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 214
     Profile contains photos: 91
     In Memory: 8
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 7
     Military Service: 35
   Restricted to Vikings only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 214    Newest Members: 214    Latest Comments: 40  

Chris Biggins    
Angela Brown     
Robert Carr    
Kim Cody   
Kevin Cook    
Juan Dacosta     
Romey Daley    
David Domingo     
Sherman Evans    
Mark Feldhaus    
Wayne Flournoy     
Marc Frye    
Kevin Fulford    
Scott Gibson     
Paul Giuliano    
Tom Gregory    
Rhoda Haas   
Steve Ivory    
Phillip Jones    
William Jones    
Toby Kinney    
Kevin Lang    
Kevin Lasseter     
Mark Lockard    
John Miller    
Russell Miller     
Kelly O'Kane    
John Parker    
Mark Patrick     
Roberta Rice    
Kip Ritter    
Troy Rolla   
Adam Rothas    
Reb Sauls   
Tim Schofield     
Larry Sharer    
Thomas Taylor    
Lisa Voss   
John/Jack Wilson     
Joe Witko    

Guest Members

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