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•   Patricia Burton (Mastin)  7/23
•   Steve Elliott  8/6
•   Robert Johnson (Robert Johnson)  5/28
•   Terrell Thompkins  2/14
•   Norma King (Strabala)  8/18
•   Renee Barger (Files)  8/18
•   Michael Gniot  8/13
•   Teri Phillips (Phillips)  3/3
•   David Bell  1/1
•   Thomas Graves  4/19
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
46 live in Arkansas
1 lives in Delaware
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Massachusetts
6 live in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
135 location unknown
13 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Stuttgart High Class Of 1979 web site.


SHS Class of '79

I am trying to update some things and wanted to encourage you to check out the Stuttgart Friends group on Facebook.

That group is trying to get together in LR on May 14 at Sticky Fingerz in the Rivermarket at 1 pm. Invite is open for everyone.


Lewis Berry passed away Sunday, Sept.2nd, 20012

Hi everyone!!! I hope the classmate list is complete. It is if our senior annual is correct!!! If you notice someone is missing, please contact me and let me know and I will get them added. We have had a couple of  planning meetings already so if you have any ideas or suggestions please use this site as your way to help us plan a great reunion.  We are meeting again on April 27 at CIndy's house at 11th and Main.  Attend if you can or send any and every idea and suggestion to us so we can plan accordingly! I will try to keep updates posted.