What we are to be, we are now becoming.


Light Blue and Dark Blue


Spider Mum

President:    Joe McGee

Vice President:  Dianne Avery

Secretary-Treasurer:  Gail Jochims

Council Members:  Linda Black, Doug Potter, Jackie Blake, Joyce Vavroch, Daryl Staker, Janet McMurray

The Senior Class of T & T started off the year by entering a float in the Homecoming Parade, entitled, The  Unisphere, for which they received first place in the competition.  Then came in traditional Welcoming Dance for the Freshmen,whichwas decorated in gay streamers of pink and blue.  With need for excitement their next activity was the Senior Class Party, which was center around a Western theme.

Many gay and exciting costumes were worn and prizes were awarded to the best ones.

The came Graduation time!  Without school supervision the Seniors ventured on a class picnic at Rock Creek, (many came, many enjoyed).

Baccalaureate was held on May 23, at the Toledo Center, and Commencement was held on May 25, at the Tama Football Field.

This ended four many happy years for the Senior Calss of 65.  They added many contributions to the school as a whole, and as many have said, "this is a class that few will forget."

Senior  letterman

 Joe McGee, Doug Custer, Darold Hennessey, Ron Cory, Craig Rash, Veryn Strellner, Earl Rutledge, Gary Wilkinson, Rockne Forman,Craig Brown Lyle Stanley, Chuck Hardgrove

The 1964-1965 Homecoming King & Queen

Anne Kaufman and Doug Custer.  Their attendants were Pam Curphy Daryl Staker, Norah Moore and Darold Hennessy, Jackie Blake and Marc Davis, Linda Black and Doug Potter.

Twenty-one seniors of the 1965 graduating class were elected tothe National Honor Society bythe high school faculty.  Those nominated were in the upper 10-15 percent of the class.

The National Honor Society is a nationally recognized organization of students which is based on leadership, citizenship, scholarship, and service.  This National Honor Society represent a great deal of work which is put forth by the members.

Many more clubs, French Club, Science Club Photography Club, Band, Chorus, Girls Glee Club, Boys Glee Club.


