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•   Peggy Assenheimer (Drake)  7/12
•   John McPhail (McPhail)  7/11
•   Joyce Hoffman (Lather)  8/11
•   John Crumrine  7/22
•   Kathy Malone (Wise)  4/1
•   Phyllis Hoerig (Adelsperger)  4/1
•   Tom Yager  8/9
•   Gene Runion  7/9
•   Ed Martin  12/8
•   Ron Buckner  4/12
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

4 live in Arizona
1 lives in California
2 live in Colorado
7 live in Florida
1 lives in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maryland
5 live in Michigan
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
52 live in Ohio
1 lives in Pennsylvania
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Belgium
4 location unknown
55 are deceased

Columbian High School
Class Of 1963

The pictures I took at our class reunion are posted on my Facebook page and they are also available on Dropbox-

Thanx for the reminder to update. This seems like a particularly appropriate time to say "On This End of the Rainbow" I love you all dearly. 2 of my three other brohers and Gene Gillig Gerry Sherman and my dear Other Mothers..shelter from my storm are long gone but I stay in touch with Cheryl Sherman, as well as Chuck Johnson ('64) and his family. I'm at 970-672-8683 Take a look at youtube naki'i hawaiian music , 7 or 8 items with my Erma (Lani) Hawaiian Wahine, my reason for living.

Thank you Carol and put this on whatever page this should be on .....I never did follow directions well...but now I have an excuse!
Pease everyone , we're not done yet...take care of you and yours.

oops ? anywhere i can post picture...and a special letter we sent to 150 people when we moved.

Mike and Erma Kuenzli have moved to Fort Collins Colorado. Our two daughters both live there now one across the street one on the other side oof I25 about 5 miles away.

Malia has 5 boys ranging in age from 11 to (no kidding) 18.She was all star college softball player married a football player and stayed here since 1990. Her sister Kainani moved here 3 years ago from too crowded Hawaii, brought her youngest daughter,hter in law and 3 grandchildren. Kainani's husband and oldest son,dad of the 3 little kids----our only great grch----hope to get here soon.

Erma and I (53 yrs in nov) moved to be closer to family and medical help.I'm doing real good and hope to do all I can for Erma as long as possible

My brother bill Class of 69 i think is here from rural Kent Ohio to vist.

He's a Facebooker and probably knows more about you all than i dO

Nice to see all the Pix! You all look happy---thats what counts.......but I got no idea who's who!! Well thats it for this 10 years ...check back with you in 2029.Colorado may be ocean front by then.By the wasy For the first time in 55 years we canhear the Pacific at night or walk down to it. Very hard for me but for Erma its 71 years. Malama Pono , Ke Akua Pu Take care, and may a living spirit of peace and goodness come into all our hearts and comfort us.Alooooha dear people and thank you for the kindness you showed a troubled teen.

Mike Kuenzli has moved and updated his address.  Mike's new address is: 3838 Rock Creek Drive, F21, Fort Collins, Colorado 80528

Hugs to all!!


Hello everyone! Due to an injury I was not able to attend the class party held in early September. :( I did visit Tiffin the week of October 22 but didn't have time to visit any classmates. While there I took some aerial photos of downtown Tiffin;I would like to share them with you. The Flickr link to the pictures:



I posted the pictures I took at out 70th party on my Facebook page. You can go to my Facebook page or use this link:

Gene Runion

The Class of 1963 certainly knows how to throw a party. I have posted a number of pictures from the 70th Birthday weekend - .

Bill Doemel


Welcome to the Columbian High Class Of 1963 web site!


Please join us at the monthly class luncheons held the last Thursday of the month. June 28, we will be meeting in the back room at Fort Ball Pizza at 12:30.  Hope to see you there!

Bill Doemel posted pictures on 09/06/13 and also on 09/10/13.

Gene Runion posted pictuers on 09/10/13

Ann Dutrow Benedict posted pictures on 09/17/13


Received this from Lanny Sherer.  Thanks, Lanny!
This is great, you are going to LOVE this.Somebody did a lot of research.  All selections (300) are videos of artists performing. A high school somewhere in DC area put all this together. The juke box is great! Lanny
Bladensburg High School Class of 1959 Video Jukebox with over 300 selections -
 JUST CLICK the site below:



James Aller  10/5
Michael Kuenzli  10/6
