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•   Charles Rue  9/18
•   Helen Mangus (Thompson)  5/30
•   Lynn Coull (Allen)  5/17
•   Di Anna Munro (Aller)  5/17
•   Kay Mitten (Van Beveren)  3/21
•   Sue Snay (Steinhauer)  11/24
•   Terry Farver  6/6
•   Jeffrey Gillam  10/11
•   Nancy Boyer (Kaluka)  8/31
•   Ronald Mathias  8/30
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

5 live in Arizona
1 lives in California
3 live in Colorado
8 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
4 live in Maryland
4 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
86 live in Ohio
2 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in India
1 location unknown
58 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 75.7%

A:   103   Joined
B:   33   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Columbian High School
Class Of 1964


Donald Shepherd  9/30
Ann Sebeste (Kayser)  10/10
Patsy Bradley (Wood)  10/13
Richard Shelton  10/13






Judy Seifert, Sue Snay, Linda Troup, Marty McGeath, Jan Williams, David Murray, Kay Mitten, Charles Nickel, Karen Bolen, Cathy Nordholt, Mary Thome, Judy Groman, Eileen Immel, Scott Sattler, Ann Hope


Row 1: Sonja Griffis, Dottie Eichhorn, Carol Brihl, Karen Bolen, Margaret Mathias,     
              Nancy Boyer, Lois Krause, Janice Lampe
Row 2: Judy Snyder, Gloria Sanford, Diana Munro, Linda Troup
Row 3: Jean Allbaugh, Charlotte Crilly, Sally Moneghan, Martha McGeath, Kay
             Assenheimer, Kathy Rourke
Row 4: Kay Mitten, Susan Hoffman, Suzanne Bowersox, Dick Weber, John Werling
              Charles Nickel, Gene Kimmel, Tim Riley,
Row 5:   Kathy Nordholt, Eileen Immel, Judy Renninger, Patsy Bradley, Sharon
               Hepperly, Janet McDonald, Judy Groman, Becky Tomb, Chuck Mitzel
Row 6:   Mary Thom, Daryl McDonald, Sheila Smith, Dick Shelton, Judy Seifert
               Sue Snay, Bill Kohler, Bob Bland
Row 7:   Dick Houk, Ray Bailey, Janet Brickner, Nan Shawber,  Marilyn Walker, Ann  
               Hope, Lynn Solomon, Pat Best
Row 8:   Ron Mathias, Lee Sponseller, Jon Eakin, Ann McKenzie, Sandy Rathburn,
               Phyllis Tyree, Diana Feasel, David Murray, Jan Williams
Row 9: Carl Assenheimer, Clifford Dull, Doug Collar, Jim Eisenhard, John Beamer
              Scott Sattler, David Goetz



If you would like to take a look at the reunion pictures, click on the "Reunion Memories" tab on the left.  I have added the pictures taken by the photographer and also the table pictures which I have labeled to the best of my knowledge.  I have used maiden names in order to more easily identify classmates.  If I have made mistakes on names and spouses' names, please forgive me and email me the corrections.  Just below these pictures, you will see a photo.  Please click on that photo and it will take you to a Picasa.Com where I have an album posted.  You will be able to view single pictures or a slide show.  Have fun!!