In Memory

Tom Sackman

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06/08/17 04:59 PM #1    

James L. Hedgecock

Tommy went from K to 12 with me. Smart as a hell and full of fun. I remember the time we were riding our bikes in a circle at an intersection around Grammery Street and Tommy went too wide. BEFORE he hit the curb, in anticipation of the crash, he yelled "Ouch!" You would have to have been there is appriciate how funny this was.  I am so glad we were able to get in touch a few years before Tommy left us. We had some great phone calls. Memories - He could spin some real yarns. He recalled once when we went up to PV and drank beer that we saw a light coming from over Catalina. The light got brighter and brighter. Donnie Smith said he wasn't religious, but this was getting pretty strange. Finally, the thing passed overhead and it was a just a jet, probably coming in from Hawaii. Tommy remembered this episode, but for him - having his 1st quart of beer in his belly - we were all abducted by aliens. Honestly, he was convinced of it. Gone too soon old pal. See you - Jim  

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