In Memory

Nancy Yerkes (Woodward) VIEW PROFILE

Nancy Yerkes (Woodward)

Deceased Classmate: Nancy Yerkes
Date Of Birth: 11-1951
Date Deceased: 2011?
Age at Death: 60
Cause of Death: Cancer
Classmate City: Tucson
Classmate State: AZ
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By: Son, Jesse Yerkes, Sister Tanna Yerkes Owens

Above information was contributed by Sandra Piper Thompson.

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05/31/15 12:14 PM #1    

Gail Chesin Aka Chasin

Nancy was always so sweet and adorable.  Too young.

06/07/15 12:33 AM #2    

Minette Wirges (Hunter)

Nancy was a friend since grade school at Wheeler. In fact we were among a small group of kids that could still stand up under the lowest bar of the three chin-up bars, without hitting our heads, when we graduated from the sixth grade. Talk about small !!!  At least we all finally gained an inch or two before graduating high school !  I'm sad to hear of her passing.  May God keep her in his care and may we find a cure for ALL cancers!!!

06/09/15 10:51 AM #3    

Lynn Monka

I am so sorry to be hearing of Nancy's passing so late. We had a couple of classes together. She laughed so easily. My heart goes out to her family, even if it is so late.

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