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09/10/08 04:35 PM #1    

Web Site Administrator

Welcome to the Tuscaloosa High School Class Of 1969 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

03/02/09 09:29 PM #2    


Diane Granata

Ditto for this. Classmates are begining to find each other. Now it will be easier to talk to them because you know a little about what they've been up to since the last reunion!

Can't believe that we are 57-58 years old. We should all be retired by the 50th reunion!!

Diane Granata

03/04/09 03:35 PM #3    

Linda Foree (Jo)

Hi Bonnie and Diane! Greetings from Alaska. I am enjoying catching up with all the news. The only people I am regularly in touch with from T-town are Babs Adams and Cliff Hurter. I will call Cliff and get him to put his profile on.

07/10/09 08:42 AM #4    

Carol Caffee

Ditto a thanks to Cam for making all this happen. I don't know yet if I can attend the reunion but I hope this web site will help me hook up with old friends.

07/10/09 07:03 PM #5    

Glenn Crawford

I talked to Cam today for the first time in years. I viewed the web-site and must admit I got misty eyed. I hope to make the reunion and see some of my dearly missed friends. If you don't recognize me I'll be the old guy.


07/15/09 01:13 AM #6    

Kaye Finney (McMillian)

Hey now - I was telling someone I wouldn't get on the computer much again after sitting on my big A for 30 plus years of typing and that....

A miraculous intervention occurred - this THS 1969 Class website! I am hooked like I've never been hooked before! My cat (as my husband snores loudly in the bedroom) is totally baffled that I am sitting here typing away at almost 1:00 a.m.(I am usually on the sofa by 10:00 p.m. rubbing her sweet little face and fur) watching whatever.

Thank you P and C and the others. You know who you are!
Can we think of something other than Tony, Grammy, Emmy?...those with ideas - get together; I haven't got a clue. Maybe Camille will come up with something??? Come on Girl, you can!

07/20/09 04:42 PM #7    

Jane Hamner (Fisher)

I will be in North Carolina visiting family this week-end and will not be able to attend the reunion.
Thanks to all those who have worked hard to plan and prepare. It sounds like so much fun.
I will miss seeing old friends but have REALLY enjoyed the website.
Thanks again.
Jane Hamner Fisher

07/21/09 01:45 PM #8    

Lynn Hall

Cam..thank you for all the many times you have worked so hard to put this re-union together each time we have been able to come together. What a celebration for us all! You classmates will always be like a "2nd family". Thanks to everyone who worked on this one. Look forward to seeing all. Lynn Hall

07/24/09 02:59 PM #9    

Gail Taylor (Blakney)

My husband and I have adopted two boys (ages 16 and 9) so we very rarely have time for ourselves anymore but sure hope the reunion events are a great success. I am thoroughly enjoying reading the profiles and catching up on some lost classmates. Hope the weather is great and everyone enjoys the weekend.
Gail Taylor Blakney

07/26/09 08:22 AM #10    

Debbie Eatman (Price)

Visiting with all of you this weekend was so much fun. And, Cam, thank you for putting this website together, I check it frequently and so enjoy the forum messages and how easy it is to keep in touch with fellow classmates. Millie Gribbin Hudson had a great idea - start a supper club once a month. Her husband's class does this and it has been very successful for years - some people come every month, others just when they can. I told Millie since she had the idea she can head it up - I'm sure you will be hearing more about it - if you have suggestions about ways to keep in touch please post them.

Again, the weekend with all of you who came to the reunion was so enjoyable and I treasure the memories - for those of you who couldn't make it, please use this website to keep in touch. Love you all Class of '69, DEBBiE

07/26/09 09:19 PM #11    

Bonnie McVay (Teel-Adams)

Cam, Penny, and everyone who put this reunion together: It was just fabulous! I so enjoyed seeing everyone and catching up. I will look forward to the next one and hope all of us, and more will be able to attend.

Thanks again for all your hard work!!

Bonnie McVay Teel-Adams

07/26/09 09:24 PM #12    

Bud Patton

Cam,Peyton,Deborah,Penny,Jim ,Millie,Butch,Regina and the rest who contributed to this years 40th reunion,THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Great time was had by all.I especially enjoyed friday nights setting of greet and meet.This website has also been fun to see whats gone on in the lives of our classmates.Time is precious to most everyone these days so what better way to keep up than passing on the history & possibly the current events in our lives to our friends from "The" TUSCALOOSA HIGH SCHOOL! GO BLACK BEARS!SR 69.JUST THINK IN ABOUT 11 YRS WE WILL TRUELY BE SR'S AT 69.High fives to the guys & big hugs to the girls with 2014 for the 45th sounds great.Hold on tight for many retirement is in sight.Keep positive,exercise,eat,sleep & breath for approx. 1825 more days and we gather again.Pass the word to other classmates not listed to fill out profiles and keep them updated on this sight.2014 will be even bigger then!God's grace to all,may you be found in good health, Bud

07/27/09 07:55 AM #13    

Rebecca Mills (Mullins)

Cam, Penny and everyone else who helped put this reunion together. You did a marvelous job and OH.... so much fun! It was so wonderful to get to see friends that you have not seen in literally 40 years. Everyone was so friendly. I am looking forward to doing it again. Cam.. thank you for creating this web site that we can catch up on our classmates and keep in touch. Much Love to all...Becky Mills Mullins

07/27/09 08:55 AM #14    

Glenn Crawford

Cam, Penny, Peyton, Butch and everyone involved in the planning of this past weekend, thank you. It was a fun and heart warming experience for me and I'm so glad I was able to attend. The flood of memories has been amazing. I've had to really work on controling my emotions because I've teared up and laughed out loud for no apparent reason according to my wife. I enjoyed every hug, handshake and kiss on the cheek. Although we may look a little older I remember each and every classmate as they were when we were all 18. Dolan, your prayer truly touched me and I want to thank you for that. God bless you all and I hope to see all of you again in five.

07/27/09 09:45 AM #15    

Judy Walters (Lamon)

I want to thank Cam, Debbie, Penny, and Peyton for all the hard work that was put in to making this a great reunion. And thank you to all the ones I may have left out. I have never attended a reunion before. This was my first one, and I had so much fun reuniting with friends and resuming friendships. I am looking forward to the next one in five years. Cam, thank you for establishing the website.
Judy Lamon

07/27/09 11:09 AM #16    

Robert Nix

Cam,Peyton,Penny and to all the others who had a part in putting this years 40th reunion together.Thank You.Visting with and seeing everyone was truly a delight.For those that were unable to attend this years reunion hope you can make the next one.Thanks again to all involved for a wonderful and memorable weekend.GO BLACK BEARS!!!Health and Happiness to all...Robert Nix

07/27/09 12:01 PM #17    

Priscilla Carr (Martin)

To all who had even a teeny part in making this reunion happen, THANK YOU!!!
I had so much fun seeing everyone and knowing I'm not the only one with gray hair. I love the idea of getting together more often. (idea: maybe alternate day and night events for those who have different schedules?)
I'm looking forward to our next get-together already!

07/27/09 07:43 PM #18    

Cynthia Delk (Wicker)

Great Class Reunion!!! Thanks to everyone that had a part in putting it together. Having 3 events was a wonderful idea. It gave us more time to visit and catch up. Still there were those that I only got to speak with briefly, but the web site will allow for more social interaction. Fab idea Cam. For all of you who did not come, you missed a really fun time. Hope to see everyone in 5 years.

07/28/09 11:53 AM #19    

Marilyn Walker (Miller)

To the "Committee" who planned this....."Kudos" to you all!! What fun we had.....seeing old friends, laughing, talking, and renewing those friendships!! A special time indeed. I'm thrilled that we are going to do this again in five years...2014!! Thank you to all who took the time to come to this special event!! For those of you who missed it, just know that you were truly missed! Get your calendars out and make plans to attend the next one....2014!!
A special thanks goes out to Dolan Davis, who prayed such a beautiful prayer on behalf of all of us, and for all of us! How blessed we truly are to have this Godly man in our Class of 69!!
Our school building may be gone, and they may have changed the name on the marquee at the old "school site", but they can never take away the THS Black Bear spirit!! It is alive and well in all of us.
Till we meet again, God bless us all!! Love to all!

07/29/09 06:00 AM #20    

Beverly Ezell (Bankhead)

My "Ginko" did not kick in for every name, but every face was as pretty and handsome as ever! Job well done !!! Love and kisses to all, Beverly

07/31/09 03:35 PM #21    

Peyton Cochrane

Can't tell all of you how much fun it was for me to see all of you again. Those that couldn't make it the profiles have been great and gave me a chance to catch up even though you weren't here in body, I know you were in spirit.

ESPECIALLY CAM, but the entire group (about 20) who helped to put this on; I take a moment to join the entire class of 1969 to thank you all. It was a tremendous community effort and it showed in so many ways.

I charge all of you to keep the website current with your news, to encourage others to register and post tid-bits for all your old friends to see and visit.

When you come to Tuscaloosa again give me a holler: --------------Peyton

08/01/09 03:53 AM #22    

Carol Caffee

The reunion was fabulous and I had so much fun seeing everyone. This class of '69 is very special and it was clearly due to everyone's friendliness, relaxed attitude, and everyone comfortable just being themselves.

Cam, and the rest of the group that put this together, did a fantastic job and I know it was a lot of work. Thank you over and over!

I saw old friends and have made closer new friends. If anyone is ever up Chapel Hill way, give me a holler. All my love to the class of '69!

08/06/09 10:14 AM #23    

Babs Adams (Des Marteau)

Thanks to the committee who obviously worked very hard to put this together. It was all a great, and I really wish I had been there Friday night because there were so many I wanted to visit with and just didn't get the chance. Lord willing, I'll do that next time.
Several people commented on my wedding picture on my profile, so I thought I'd put this link to the whole shebang.

Here's to hoping all of us and more will be back in 2014!


10/12/15 02:59 PM #24    

James Jackson

I am trying to get someone who knew them to comment on the memorial page for our deceased classmates. Look to see if there is anyone you knew, especially for those that have no notes posted.  I view it as a never ending memorial, in 50 years we'll all be gone, but our kids and grandkids(if I ever have any) will want to see this.  I was in the  Army for a while and units don't die, people do; but you can look at the unit history and see those that served.  Should be the same for us.


07/03/19 10:50 AM #25    

Marilyn Walker (Miller)

I just wanted to wish ALL of my Classmates a Happy-Safe-BLESSED JULY 4TH!!  Wishing you and yours a special day of great food, relaxation and reflection of how truly BLESSED we are to have the FREEDOMS we have!!! We must always remember the sacrifices made for this blessing!! Thanking GOD for every remembrance of you!! ♥️♥οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Ί?>?πŸ‡ΈπŸ™πŸ™



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