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•   Kevin Gaskins (Gaskins)  8/1
•   Claudia Denise Eubanks (Stokes)  5/7
•   Joseph Squires  9/8
•   Sheila Hardy (Williams)  8/31
•   Clydie Coward (Murrell)  8/24
•   Francis Simpson  8/17
•   Joanette Best (West)  7/16
•   Rhonda Fulcher (Whealton)  7/6
•   Devora Dixon (Little)  5/21
•   Tresa (Deatrice) Williams  5/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in California
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
3 live in Maryland
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in New York
77 live in North Carolina
3 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
2 live in Virginia
263 location unknown
18 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 27.9%

A:   102   Joined
B:   263   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

West Craven High School
Class Of 1987 & Class of 1986

September 28, 2017


PLEASE RSVP TO THE FRIDAY AND SUNDAY EVENTS BY THIS SATURDAY. If you are planning to attend any of these events or simply have questions, please message me on Facebook or give me a call.

-- Friday, October 6th at 7 pm, come out and mingle with your classmates at the lively Triple Play Restaurant & Sports Bar, 111 Williams Road, New Bern, NC. Band performs at 9:30 pm! Visit their Facebook page for menu choices and prices. 
-- Sunday, October 8th, at 9:00 am, the See-You-In-5-Years Breakfast will be held at Vera’s Diner, 8168 Main Street, Vanceboro, NC. Cost: Max is $10 for meal and beverage. Gratuity is on you, but 15% is preferred.


We have locked in Friday and Sunday events as follows: 

-- Friday, October 6th at 7 pm, come out and mingle with your classmates at the lively Triple Play Restaurant & Sports Bar, 111 Williams Road, New Bern, NC. Band performs at 9:30 pm! Visit their Facebook page for menu choices and prices. 
-- Sunday, October 8th, at 9:00 am, the See-You-In-5-Years Breakfast will be held at Vera’s Diner, 8168 Main Street, Vanceboro, NC. Cost: Max is $10 for meal and beverage. Gratuity is on you, but 15% is preferred.
-- These events require an RSVP. If you are planning to attend any of these events or simply have questions, please message Tresa (D Tresa Williams) on Facebook or give her a call.

REMINDER: Saturday is 80s throwback! Dress up in your 80s gear, hairstyle, or button. It’s not required, but your participation would add to the success of the reunion!

Big shout out and gratitude for all classmates who will be in attendance at the upcoming class reunion. See you soon!


Hi everyone! We hope your weekend is going great!! This is a reminder that the deadline to pay your registration fee for the upcoming class reunion is September 1st. We will not accept any monies after September 1st.

We know how busy and stressful life can be. We know there is also a lot of pain and joy that consumes us daily. We feel you! But to gather with folks who share the common bond of a period in time where we were uncertain about the future, questioning who we will become, how we will handle life’s new obstacles, deciding to take chances and deal with the consequences, and so on and so on, can bring some sense of healing of the past and rejoice in who we are in the present. Sure, we felt judged growing up, and maybe some of us still feel judged. It is never our intention to create a space where you feel judged in anyway. In the past and here, in the present, your reunion committee has strived to plan reunions where we gather to reminisce about the good times, share our journeys, make new connections, and uplift one another. Whether you consider yourself successful or unsuccessful, join us for an evening with old friends and escape the daily struggles of life.

We have had a great deal of interest in and encouragement for this upcoming reunion; however, if you are planning to honor your word, we need you to put your money where your mouth is (well, not literally ). If you are planning to meet, put your payment in the mail this week (aayyyy, 80s-style rhyme!!). We are eager to see you in person, so let’s do this!!!

We stand ready to answer any of your questions. As always, we are grateful and honored to be connected to you.

Your 1987/1986 Class Reunion Committee

PS. Strict deadline for full payment is when? You guessed it, September 1st.

Committee contact info below:
Clay Gaskins - (252) 671-1388
Lisa Jones - (919) 215-8334
Paula Moore White - (252) 635-7478
Rhonda Fulcher Whealton - (252) 474-5909
Tresa Williams - (919) 749-0238

Register today for the upcoming class reunion scheduled for October 6 - 7, 2017.  Click on the "30th Class Reunion" link on the left to begin the process!!  Please carefully read the event details because we are in the process of finalizing plans.  Additionally, please take a moment to update your contact information.  Payments:  Deposit of $30 due July 1st and Balance of $45 due September 1st



THE WCHS C/O 1987 (30th) and 1986 (31st) Class Reunion 

will be held on October 6, 7, & 8, 2017 in New Bern, NC.

Details will be forthcoming!

Please spread the word and help us locate our fellow classmates.  

Also, please take time to update your contact information.

See you in October!!  

VIP ANNOUNCEMENT: We are excited to have the c/o 1985 and 1986 joining us in 2017 to celebrate the 30th class reunion. Welcome classmates!

Hi All!

The Reunion Committee will begin planning our 30th C/O '87 Reunion soon.  Please click on the "30-Year Reunion" link to the left now for updates.  Hey!  If you want to join the committee or have any ideas, send us a message! wink

A Facebook Page has been set up to spread the word.  Search "WCHS Class of 1987 Reunion" then add yourself and any other classmates as members.  That page will be informational only.  This website will be used to process the reunion planning details.

Woot! Woot!  Another opportunity to gather and enjoy celebrating our class!  

We're excited and We're passing along the positive energy!  



WhoooHoooo!! See you this weekend!!!

So, you have NOT registered to attend the WCHS 1987/1986 class reunion.  What are you waiting for???!!  Relax, Relate, Release!!

Oh, we’ve heard the reasons why you’ve convinced yourself not to attend…..

  1. I’ve gained too much weight
  2. I didn’t enjoy high school so why would I want to go to a reunion
  3. I’m waiting for so-and-so to decide if he/she is going
  4. I haven’t done much with my life
  5. $75 to socialize!!

Yep, we’ve heard them, digested them and we say rubbish!  These are the same excuses we’ve heard when we planned past reunions.  You know…the reunion you attended and later raved about the fun you had. OK, we’ll repeat the process for you.

  1. Who hasn’t gained weight? I mean birth a few children and see what happens to your body. Work hard with no available time for exercise, eat fast foods and see what happens to your shape. Join the crowd! Besides, we live in an HD TV era. We get to see the jelly bellies, bad skin, and imperfections of celebrities. Have you seen some of the celebrities’ faces in HD…..Turns out their ordinary people too!!
  2. WHAT? No fun in high school! Well you’re grown now and you know how to have fun.  Bring that to the reunion and share!
  3. Must we play the waiting game?  Here’s a thought, lead by example.  I bet you so-and-so will register once he/she has seen you’ve registered. Besides, if you want to only see one person then maybe you two should get together for lunch. Reunions are to network with a bunch of folks.
  4. Let’s be real. Life is for the living.  If you’ve helped your neighbor and loved at least one person, then you’ve done a lot with your life.  If you haven’t, then network with people that have at the reunion for inspiration.
  5. Yep, the fee is $75 per person/$150 per couple. Funny thing about events, they cost money! Plus, the reunion committee spends a lot of unpaid hours to make it happen and their expenses are more than $75 per person to get it up and running, with no complaints while doing it…..does that make us superclassmates??

No one is concerned about these things.  Believe it or not some of your classmates are looking for you.  They miss you.  Let's create new memories by reuniting, networking, and having fun.  There are so many benefits to a class reunion......


LET'S WELCOME THE CLASS OF 1986 TO OUR 25TH REUNION!  Yep, not only do we reunite with our class, but also our favorites from the graduating class of 1986. Ever wonder what happened to that senior that was in your English class in your junior year?  Well, plan to attend the reunion in September.  Go ahead, register today!!

Be sure to "whitelist" (add) to your e-mail address book so messages from us will not be flagged as spam.  Thank you!

Welcome to the West Craven High School Class of 1987 website!


Class of 1987 - 10-Year Reunion at the Sheraton, New Bern, NC


15-Year Reunion - All Classes - 2002



Always, dear West Craven,

We will honor you.

Devotion to your colors -

Red, White, and Blue.

To our Alma Mater

Our love will steadfast be.

Lives and works will demonstrate

Undying loyalty.

