Profile Updated: February 23, 2009
Where are you living now: Winter Garden, FL USA
Married? To Whom? When? How long?: James Blane *My favorite scotsman hehe* Got married July 29th, 2005 in Giffnock, Scotland and have been together for 3 years!
Kids? If so, how many?: None yet....unless you count our four legged miscreant of a cat named Midnyte :0)
Occupation: Target...starting my own Graphics Business soon!
Sum your life since high school: Got A.S. degree
moved to UK
got BFA degree
got husband
got apartment
got to live in Scotland
Got 2nd apartment
got a job and a cat!
What would we be surprised to know about you now:

That although I was never part of the "get married and live happily ever after" crowd in High School I love being married! Though my hubby and I struggle at times since we have come back to the States we are really happy! After high school I went to IADT in Orlando and got my AS Honors degree in Computer Graphics. I couldn;t find work with one degree so I moved to London, England to get my BFA in Visual Communications.

I had some interesting times there learning to exist among another culture that's for sure! I met my "online" best friend the week before I started my education in Sept 2003. I used to travel via train from London to Scotland to see him every other weekend. We dated for about a year then Christmas Day 2004 he asked me to marry him and that was the start of our crazy adventure lol. He moved to London with me and we got a studio "flat" together in London just outside the city.

When I graduated college in Oct. 2005 we moved back to Scotland and lived there for a year and a half. I brought him back to the States with me on Feb 8th 2007 and we have lived here ever since.
I have had a mis-mash of design jobs that never really panned out to much. I am now trying to earn money to keep the bills paid while I try to make it as a freelance designer. So far I haven't found that glorius $100,000 a year job I deserve but I always hold out hope that one day it will happen! They do say good things come to those who wait lol

Fondest high school memory:

Ohh there were so many among my friends it's hard to pick just one. One thing I loved most of all was sitting in the same place at lunch pretty much every day. I was always the type that didn't fit in a particular social group. I hung out with the "lost people" as I like to call them lol. The ones who weren't totally sure who they were and what they wanted to do with themselves but were still ok with it. We had many good times...including the time Georges Bauer fell asleep at the table and we had a contest flicking MnMs into his mouth...or the times I used to give that random guy, Ken Nazdaq the senior, in my 11th grade English class piggy back rides to lunch lol. I remember the fun had in Mr. Steffens dark room trying to develop my pictures of the Ag cows and earning myself the nickname cowgirl lmao. I also recall there being someone in that same class who always used to sniff my t-shirt and say " always smell like clean laundry" . I remember Mr. Newlands pottery classes and thinking I could really enjoy spending my life beating the snot out of clay and listening to Sting all day. I also remember the drawing course I took in which the teacher made us do some questionable things lol. The one event that sticks out in my mind most was making us watch "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" in French lol. I remember my algebra instructor in the 10th grade, I don't recall his name but I know his first name was Teddy and he was the head baseball coach, not caring about us doing our work and we used to pull our desks together in a big circle and raise almighty hell for the entire period lol. I remember the day I wore my "Spice Girl" style platform shoes, that I fought with my mother for weeks to buy at Payless, to school with my snazzy farmer pete overalls and endin up flat on my back after trying to negotiate the stairs out of class to go to lunch. That day Paula Leblanc, graduated before me I think, was walking next to me...I remember having the vague sensation of flying then lookin up and seeing her flaming red hair flyin in the wind and her saying to me "OMG are you alright?" which I replied "No just leave me here...I'll just die when the embarassment wears off" heheh. I remember Mr. Abatiellos history classes and having to endure the smell of fresh baked cookies every morning without drooling on myself. I recall dressing up like a total weirdo for our spirit days and loving it. I remember the "Rainbow Ladies" though I don't recall all their names lol. I remember those hideously neon hawaiin shirts my dad gave me that I wore every chance I got lol. I remember Mr. Hooper being one sandwhich short of a picnic but I loved his "tamper proof" yellow paper and his insane bonus questions lmao. I remember doing cross country in PE in the 9th grade and having the people at the driving range moo at me when I went by. I was hurt but I kept running....joke was on them when I got student of the month for my "heroic" action :0P. I also fondly remember leaving school every day at 1:20 in Lanie Larue's '85 Mustang Convertible and being cool for at least 10 minutes a day lol. I have so many silly memories it would take me ages to recount them all really. One thing for sure there was never a dull moment hangin out with me...I attract insanity like a giant magnet!

What school activities were you involved in?

I wasn't into much when I was in High School because I had to help out at home since my mother worked night shifts. I used to go home and do my homework and then make dinner for my dad and I. I had the household chores to do as well which took up most of the rest of my time. I was in Quiz Bowl for about a day until I realized I was only good for the Pop Culture questions lol.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:13 AM
Me now....big difference huh!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:13 AM
Me and my four legged child Midnyte lol
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:13 AM
My crazy hubby Jim on his first trip to The Magic
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:13 AM
Me and Jim after gettin hitched. Standin outside the Dalmeny Park Country Hotel in Glasgow.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:13 AM
My lovely husband helping me down the stairs after gettin married. I was wearin high heels and nearly fell on my face!