Lauran Drew Delagrange

Profile Updated: March 12, 2020
Residing In: Sarasota, FL USA
Spouse/Partner: Barry Delagrange
Occupation: Swim instructor
Children: Brittany born June 1988
Brooke born June 1991
Rebecca born June 1994
Daniel born December More…1995

Grandchild: Lexi born February 2009

Ok...I put down some info for my profile but I want a redo...It has been 30 years and a lot more has happened than I put down. I left NH back in 1980 for adventures....I wanted to travel and honestly to get the hell out of NH and look for who I was. I always admired those who knew exactly what they wanted to do in life, but I had no I started out going to travel school. I could not afford to travel, so if I worked in the travel industry, maybe, just maybe I could travel for free...I wanted to be a flight attendant, but I met my Prince charming and stayed grounded as a travel agent. Yes, I traveled a little bit, but travel agents do not make a lot of money so the French Riviera was out of the question. A nice Caribbean cruise for my honey moon was however and in 1983, that is exactly what I did.

By 1985 I figured out that a travel agent was not what I wanted to do anymore, so I acquired a few certifications as a fitness instructor and did that on the side as I went back to college....then, in 1988 (35 credits short of an AS degree), I found out that I was pregnant....When Britt was born, I finally found out what it was that I was supposed to do in a mom. It truly was and is the greatest job that I ever had. Four kids and one grandchild later, I have no regrets.

As my kids grow up and become independent, I fill my time trying to teach children how to become pool safe....a passion that grew out of a near drowning accident with a neighbor boy.

I am living the dream. Married to my prince charming, (we are still best friends), and knowing when I go to bed at night that life is sweet, not because I make tons of money, or live in paradise, ( i do live in pretty damn nice place), but that lots of love surrounds me and life is not perfect but it's pretty damn good.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:19 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:19 AM