Sharilee Greene Griffiths

Profile Updated: November 6, 2014
Sharilee Greene
Mission Start Year: 1984
Residing In: Logan, UT USA
Spouse: Rick Griffiths
Occupation: Executive Director, Cache Valley Volunteer Center
Children: Erick Griffiths (1978) Living in Logan
[Spouse: Beckie; Children: Pearce (14), Lillee (10), Jack More…(8), Sawyer (5)

Mindy Swain (1979) Living in SLC
[Spouse: Jeremy; Children: April (11), Caleb (9)

Jessica Knight (1986) Living in Missouri
[Spouse: Johnny; Children: Jaxon (8), Hayden (5)

Nick Guest (1989) Living in Boston, getting PhD at MIT
[Spouse: Jennessa; Children: Marinn (3), Matthew (2)]

Aaron Griffiths (1990) Living in Logan, graduating from USU
[Spouse: Megan]

Joshua Guest (1991) Living in Provo, graduating from BYU

(Lauren) Marissa Guest (1994) Living in Provo, attending UVU

Thomas Guest (1997) Living in Logan, graduating from Logan High
Yes! Attending Reunion
Spouse Occupation:

Owner, Griffiths Ok Tire

My Grandchildren:

are the cutest little people alive!! I LOVE being a grandmother--

Pearce- 14
April- 11
Lillee- 10
Caleb- 9
Jack- 8
Jaxon- 8
Hayden- 5
Sawyer- 5
Marinn- 3
Matthew- 2

Areas Served in:


Companions served with:

Sharon Whiting (MTC)
Seo Soo Yeun
Nancy Shute
Rebecca Payne
Elizabeth Cornwell
Eem Jung Eh
Sister Ottesen

Which Mission President did you serve under:

President David Butler
18 Months
President Lee Do Whan

Where do you live now? Where else have you lived? Have you been back to Korea?

I currently live in Logan, Utah.

I have also lived in:
Washington, D.C. area
Salt Lake City, Utah
Provo, Utah
Lockport, New York
Los Angeles, California
Lehi, Utah

I went back to Korea in 1992 on vacation.

Do you still see, talk to or hang out with any former missionaries/companions? If so, Who?

I used to see Sharon Whiting every year at PTA Convention, but haven't seen her for awhile. We communicate via email on occasion.

I was on a committee for Logan School District with Keith Larsen; I touch base with Gary Petersen about once a year and I see those of you that come to the reunion when you come--

My service to my community/ Church/ or other volunteer service:

I have been very involved in service throughout my life, but especially for the past 10 years or so. Following are some of the main organizations I have served with:

PTA/PTSA: District President; Middle School President and many other positions throughout the past 21 years

Youth and Families with Promise: Advisory Board and eventually Program Coordinator

Bear River Headstart Board of Trustees: Chair

Logan Foundation Board: Chair

Logan Inter-Agency Council: Chair, Communications Specialist

Parents Television Council: Cache Chapter Director

Logan Literacy Coalition

TimeOut For Women: Logan Team Lead

Eccles Theatre Usher Corps

Republican Party State Delegate

America-Israel Friendship League: Founding Secretary, Youth Committee Chair Founder and President

Single Hearts United: Founding President

Wow! After reading Elder Cloward's profile I realized I didn't even think of my church service- I guess we just take that for granted! I have served in just about every calling in the Church, I think. A few of my favorites include:
Relief Society President and Presidency a few times
Young Women's President
Primary Presidency
Stake Activities Chair
Stake Music Chair
Relief Society Teacher
Primary Chorister
Visiting Teacher
Scout Committee Chair

I currently serve as the adult Gospel Doctrine teacher, ward organist, on the R.S. Board and as a Visiting Teacher.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Hobbies?

Spend time with my AMAZING husband- no matter what we are doing we have so much fun!! When he isn't around and I have spare time I enjoy reading, music- piano and karaoke, and working on the computer. I have designed hundreds of webpages, but I don't do much of that any more.

Did you go to college? Which college did you attend? How long? Any degrees?

Graduated from BYU in 2005 with a BGS degree and a family sciences focus.

Also have training as a professional mediator and as a Bodytalk Technician, which I do out of my home-- and absolutely LOVE!!

Travel much? Favorite places to visit? Places you want to go?

I LOVE to travel!!

I have had many opportunities to travel through the years. Following are some of the main places I have visited:

Northeastern United States between Upstate NY and Maine; all through Eastern Canada in 1991

Korea in 1992

Europe Trip in 1993: England, Wales, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France.

I took my children on a trip up the California coast in 2000.

I spent a few days in Oregon with my volunteer work in 2003.

I took my children on a Book of Mormon Cruise to Cancun and Cozumel, Mexico; Belize City, Belize; and Roatan, Honduras in 2004.

I went to Disneyland with my daughter and the Cache Children's Choir within a week of returning from the cruise.

My children and I spent a week in Agua Prieta, Mexico doing some humanitarian work during the holiday season 2005.

I spent a month in Israel in 2006 chaperoning a group of students with the America-Israel Friendship League

I went with a USU Choir to Vienna and Salzburg, Austria and Budapest in 2007.

I had the opportunity to go on a 5.5 week study abroad through Europe in 2008 where we visited 10 countries: Scotland, England, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, and the Vatican.

I had the opportunity to return to Washington, D.C. several times from 1990-1995 while we were living in Upstate NY and traveling to South Carolina to see Matt's mother. I also spent 3 days there with the America-Israel Friendship League in 2006.

I have been to New York several times, including a family trip in 1991, with the America-Israel Friendship League in 2006, and with my daughter and the Cache Children's Choir in 2007. I also took a trip back to Upstate New York and through early Church History sites in Ohio in 2004 with a good friend and my daughter.

Philadelphia to pick-up Aaron in 2011
Alaskan Cruise 2011
All over the country presenting from 2009-2013

Going on a 17-day European trip with Utah Music Ambassadors (youngest son is representing his school) Summer 2015

Favorite Korean food:


Favorite Korean memories:

I will write more about this later, but for now suffice it to say that my mission was the foundation for everything good that has happened in my life and I am incredibly grateful for the experience.

Future plans, goals, Accomplishments, Bucket List:

Travel with my husband and our children.
Finish my blog.
Finish writing my book.
Make a positive difference in my community and help strengthen other women and families through my volunteer work.

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Nov 06, 2014 at 9:33 AM
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Nov 07, 2014 at 12:28 PM

Posted on: Nov 05, 2014 at 9:22 AM

Hey Friend~ Good to see you. I also have 2 kids down at BYU along with one at MIT and one graduating from high school. I also have 4 bonus children. Take care-- it's fun to get updates!

Aug 24, 2014 at 2:33 AM
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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:01 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:01 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:01 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:01 PM
