John Berry

Profile Updated: January 9, 2021
Address: Tallahassee, FL USA
Spouse: Barbara Berry
Occupation: Attorney
Children: Jay Holt
Yes! Attending Reunion

We are checking out Abilene as a possible new home or else San Angelo. Christ means most to me then family and country with sports and fishing as two major interests outside my work. I work nationally and internationally in regulation of legal profession and on legal education reform but my calling will be moving more into helping young Christian law students and lawyers deal with challenges they face and to help prepare them to use their training in the right ways.

UPDATE January 2021: We pulled the trigger . Building a home in Oldham Oaks in Abilene hopefully done in June. Temporarily living in Coahoma . Want to meet everyone at banquet on January 22!

Largest Bass 11.5 pounds in Florida ! Looking to beat it with help of all you experts !😂

Home Church:

Since moving will look and start with Pioneer Drive


Football, basketball and baseball , fishing and travel

Years of Fishing:

First fished as a boy and ever since

Favorite Fishing Hole:

Myrtlewood Plantation, Thomasville, Georgia. Two bass over 10 pounds and many other good fish! Now looking for spot in West Texas. Help!

Favorite Lures:

Anything that is working! If forced to name one I would say plastic worms.

Preferred Fishing Technique:

Worm. It works.

Testimony (strictly optional):

Gone to church all my life and felt saved, but did not truly except Christ until about ten years ago. My life is now His . My work was a criminal prosecutor and then prosecuting lawyers who do unethical things, but my heart and I believe calling is to help prevent that and to help equip Christian lawyers and law students or those considering the law to stand up for religious liberty and represent the Kingdom in all they do including their work .

Now that in Texas looking for where Lord is leading me . No law schools in Abilene but are some great Christian schools where maybe I can help in pre law or professionals with my experience . Have taught in faith based law schools around nation and even developed a course and taught in South Korea .

Exciting time with a new home, a new church soon we hope and new opportunities to serve and yes FISH !

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Apr 20, 2024 at 3:33 AM
John Berry has a birthday today.
Apr 20, 2023 at 3:33 AM
John Berry has a birthday today.
Apr 20, 2022 at 3:33 AM
John Berry has a birthday today.
Apr 20, 2021 at 3:33 AM
John Berry has a birthday today.
Apr 20, 2020 at 3:34 AM
John Berry has a birthday today.
Apr 20, 2019 at 3:33 AM
John Berry posted a message. New comment added.
May 24, 2018 at 5:51 PM

Posted on: May 24, 2018 at 4:36 PM

I am searching out info on you all because I was gratified to see a Christian bass club. Too often men's sports clubs main focus is on anything but something I want to be a part of. I liked seeing the family orientation and the faith references. Neat site impressed me. The size of some of the fish impressed me, HA! but trust me I have fished for bass enough to know there are good times of catching fish and then just good times trying, LOL! Who knows where the future takes us , but I do know I was encouraged by your existence. God Bless you in all you do!