Lynn Hamil Peterson

Profile Updated: November 27, 2010
Lynn Hamil
Residing In: Abilene, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Daniel
Occupation: retired Deputy Sheriff
Children: Paige Taillet, born January 29th, 1973; a step grandson Travis, 18, and twin granddaughters, Kacy Lynn More…and Karly Nicole, born January 9th, 2008
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



I had to kiss some toads, but i finally found Prince Charming in 1985. He was a Lieutenant in the Taylor County Jail and i had just started as a Jailer. One year later, we were married. And it's been a lifetime honeymoon ever since. He is an Investigator for the District Attorney's Office, and i retired as a Deputy Sheriff after 25 years. I wasn't really ready to retire, but my dad got sick and i needed to take care of him. He passed away last May--it's been really rough without him. I had 1 brother, Mike, and at the age of 55, he had a massive heart attack. Then 9 months later, my mother passed away from a cerebral hemorrhage. It's been a rough 3 years, but God is good and He has pulled me through lots of tears and heartache. We lost alot, but we gained twin grand-daughters, and they are the world to me and PawPaw. They sure fill alot of void, as well as lots of joy and laughter. I'm a stay at home grandma to Kacy and Karly--lots more fun chasing 2 year olds than it is chasing criminals. I was so blessed to have been raised in a Christian home, with lots of singing. About 10 years ago, i formed a southern gospel trio known as Southern Grace. We have had the priviledge to sing around the area with different well known groups and to local churches. We have produced 2 CD's, and would love to record another--for some reason, life has been too hectic to get back into the studio. Maybe soon. But believe me, i am always the one that is blessed by the people after our concerts. There are not greater people in the world than those that love Gospel singing.

School Story:

My 3 years at Wylie High School were absolutely the very best any one could have wished for. I came there my Sophomore year, and was the "new" kid. But i never felt displaced or unwanted. So many of you accepted me as your own and i never felt like an outsider. I thank you all for that. I have sooo many memories, and some i choose not to share. Shhhh..... but we did have fun in Biology--poor Mr. Hosch. I'm surprised he kept teaching after he got rid of us. And Ms. Judd and Mrs. Dickinson--bless their hearts. I actually learned so much from them, even though they probably never thought so. And my favorite Coach Boyle--or as we called him, Coacher. He and his family became some of our dearest friends in the years that followed. The year i was Football Sweetheart--wow--what an honor. Then to be a cheerleader to the best guys i have ever known on and off the field. What a blast. And Sandra, our nights spent together were the best--staying up all night and just talking were the best. Then we have the road trip to San Angelo for the football game, and we got lost. I don't remember what town we finally came to but it wasn't San Angelo. And to think we didn't even drink. haha And i love how we are still close to this day, and still sharing every little secret. I love you. And i can't leave out Janet, Sandy, Beth, Nita, Carolyn, and still too many to mention. I just remember so well that there was never a "click" at Wylie. It always seemed that everyone fit in, no matter the sport or intelligence. We truly were ONE. As i look back through my annuals now, i smile with pride just to have been a small part of such a wonderful class. I thank each and every one of you for making my years at good 'ol Wylie High so memorable.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:13 AM
Reunion Committee Meeting:
Sandra Harris, Larry Brown, Janet Brown, Cal Sumrall, Clyde McMinn, Gary Clark Shannon, Lynn Peterson, Sandy Clay, and Danny Nevil.
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:13 AM
Thanksgiving 2010
Paige, Travis, Kacy, Bob, & Karly