The Youth Group is now meeting about once a month to have fellowship, games, and work on community oriented projects. All youth and young at heart are welcome to join us. Keep an eye on the "Youth Announcements" page to see what we have coming up next!!!
Some past activities...
We will discuss reinstating our Hat & Mitten Tree, which collects donations of hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, stuffed animals, new socks (adult & children) and underwear (children). These items are later given away to guests of the "Saturday Cafe".
We have a number of "harvests" from the tree during the Fall and Advent seasons.
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Having fun together...
Sharing a fellowship meal...
and mission...
Working at 5 A's Animal Rescue in Alton and the Saturday Cafe at First Presbyterian
The Youth Group at First Presbyterian Church of Alton started the "Saturday Cafe", a "soup kitchen" offering lunch every second Saturday of the month, as their mission.
Since that time, the "Saturday Cafe" at First Presbyterian has grown to include serving lunch here on the first, second, third and fifth Saturdays of each month. The fourth Saturday, Saturday Cafe is served at one of the other participating churches in the area. Other local churches and organizations have joined to become a part of this mission, serving food which is donated and prepared by their members from our kitchen.
The program is funded through donations from church members and a grant from the Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery.
All youth of all ages are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings! Please call the church office 618.465.3592 for more information.