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Jean K. Webb

Profile Updated: September 2, 2009
Jean K. Webb
Residing In:
New Haven, CT USA
Yes! Attending Reunion

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Jean K. Webb has left an In Memory comment for Janet Kay Neikirk Schlemmer.
Feb 20, 2022 at 12:37 PM

I am so sorry to learn of Janet's death.  In those days so long ago at Alton High, she was my friend.  And I always hate to learn of more people I've cared about gone from this world.

I looked just now at my '69 Tatler and saw her note to me.  It seems that we had a number of classes together.  But what stood out was Latin 3.  There were only a very few of us nerds who decided to take Latin beyond year 2!  The group included Janet (at least for year 3), Holly Herrmann Banks, and Cindy Bechtold.  These were kindred spirits!  And the names Terry Leonard and Richard Unterbrink occur to me as well -- though I can't count on my memory of those days so long ago.  And Janet was a good friend of my dear friend Terry Keasler.  I think they may have bonded in Chem-O?  

I hope knowing that Janet is remembered fondly by someone so many years later will be a comfort to her grieving family.  Rest in peace, Janet.  

Jean K. Webb has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Jun 18, 2021 at 1:27 PM

I was so sorry to learn of Mary Jane's death.  We have lost a number of classmates over the years, but the pace is clearly increasing -- a sign of our increasing age, I know. 

A number of people commenting have said that they saw her at the 50th.  Somehow I missed her!  I wish that hadn't been the case -- but the time was so short.  

We overlapped in activities at AHS -- especially band and Marching 100, though she was with the woodwinds and I was "on the other side" with the brass.  But my strong memories of Mary Jane are from McKinley School.  In those days -- there is no question -- she was my friend. And, though I haven't kept in touch with her, I know a light has gone out from this world.  

We did all come together at AHS, but the ties from grade school and junior high are, I think, somewhat stronger since AHS was so big.  I noticed that many of the people responding to the notice of Steve Fields' death were Milton/East Junior friends.  And a  number of the people responding to this notice were my friends at McKinley.  (Renee, I was probably on that Girl Scout campout too.  I remember one where we had a real rainstorm, and, in addition, I remember I had to leave early to go back for my confirmation.  I didn't like having to choose!)   But, thank you, Linda and Susie, for also reminding me of the shared memories and strong ties from the 100.  

Mary Jane, old friend, may you indeed rest in peace. 

Sep 07, 2020 at 9:55 AM

Hello Jean! How have you been? I'm living in Virginia now and loving it. Very active in music here. What have you been doing? I know you were part of the clergy for the church, but what else?

Jean K. Webb added a comment on Profile.
Jul 22, 2019 at 4:51 PM
Jean K. Webb has left an In Memory comment for David Maneke.
Nov 24, 2018 at 7:33 PM

I too remember Dave Maneke as a great guy and a fellow band member.  And he had the great good sense to marry my junior high school friend, Georgia.  I am praying for peace and comfort for you and the rest of your family, Georgia.

Jean K. Webb has left an In Memory comment for Timothy E. Richey.
Oct 01, 2016 at 3:33 PM

My memories of Timmy and Lenny (as we called them then) are from North Junior.  They were great guys.   I am glad to see the current picture of Tim posted now with this "In Memory" posting -- as it shows that he still had that great friendly smile.  

Along with MIke Massey, I add my own prayer -- rest in peace.