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01/25/14 04:29 PM #1    


Kaci Sohrt (Singer)

Welcome to the AHS Class of 1994 Website. This site is for sharing information about the reunion and for just staying in touch.

Please take time to look around. Visit the Missing Classmates page. If you are there, please add your information. If you know how to get in touch with someone whose name you see there, please do so. The more people we can find, the better reunion we will have - and I really need help finding people.

Just a note - if you are on the Missing Classmates page, that just means I did not hear from you recently to confirm your email address was correct.  If you don't see yourself on this site and are a member of the Class of 1994 (which means you were in our grade at any time and want to be included), please contact me and I will add you.

If you view the In Memory Page and would like to leave comments for anyone, please do so. If you know of someone who should be added, please let me know.

I plan to keep this site up even after the reunion, so please join even if you can't make this reunion.

 - Kaci



06/02/14 09:04 AM #2    


Kaci Sohrt (Singer)

Can you believe it is already summer? Today is June 2nd - the reunion is 2 months away. It will be here before we know it.

Please be sure to get your tickets. The early registration price will end on June 15th. Buying your tickets sooner rather than later allows me to better plan the menu, decorations, and everything else.

We'll have food and fun at the reunion - all in a private room for just us.

Don't forget about the skating party on Saturday morning. I know 10:30 seems pretty early - but it is a private skating party for just us before regular hours. Kids are welcome - but not required. 80's themed attire is also welcome - but again, not required.

Please take some time to contact people from the Missing Classmates page. I know everyone is in contact with someone, so with your help, we can find almost everyone.

See you all soon.


06/15/14 11:36 PM #3    


Kaci Sohrt (Singer)

Tickets are now on sale at the regular price of $75. There is an included fee to pay by credit card. You may pay by check to avoid the fee.

Tickets do need to be purchased in advance. I appreciate those who have indicated they are attending either on their profile or on Facebook. However, until payment is made, I can't assume you are attending. Thsi is because I need to set a menu and order enough from the hotel to cover everyone who has paid. If I order for those who haven't paid and you change your mind about coming, I'll still have to pay for what I ordered. I hope you all understand. I'm not trying to be difficult.

To pay and get registered for the reunion, click on the "Reunion Tickets Here" link on the left. If you have any problems, please send me an email at, send me a text or call me at 512-789-4973, or send me a message on Facebook.

The "Reunion Tickets Here" link is also where you go to sign up for the skating party. There is no advance cost ($3 per skater at the door; $0 if not skating), but I do need to know numbers. We haven't had many sign up. If you have trouble getting that to work (it can be somewhat confusing and I can't figure out a way to make it less confusing), please just contact me and let me know if you are coming and how many plan to skate.


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