Hazel Milbern Warren

Profile Updated: December 5, 2010
Residing In: Sharpsburg, GA USA
Spouse/Partner: Thomas DWayne (Wayne) Warren
Occupation: retired after 38 years of nursing
Children: Mandy Christine Warren Corso-Born May 4 1975-Married Jeffrey Corso Sptember 6,1997. born April 4 1975. More… They met in college and was introduced by their music professor. They have been together for 17 years and married for 13 years. We are so grateful for Jeff as a part of our family.
They are both music teachers. Mandy teaches grade school and Jeff teaches middle school. They take their jobs seriously and care about their students.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Grandson-Jesse Grant Corso born January 6, 2005. He is my buddy. He just graduated from pre kindergarten and will be attending kindergarten in the fall. He is a very bright child who loves, math, science, reading, writing. He loves nature, swimming, anything to do with balls. He is a sweet and sensitive child who looks out for his younger sisiter (especially tries to keep her out of trouble!). He also loves to cook with his mother or mimi (me). He helps to do chores with his parents and comes here to help outside often-he is proud of his muscles. His papa (Wayne) says he looks like a surfer which Jess loves.

Graddaughter-Molly Ann Corso born April 10,2007 is a little social butterfly. She is smart and quick to think. She amazes us all the time.
Molly into dance and gymnatics now and loves to pose for pictures. She is so much like her mother. Jesse is taking art lessons and will begin swimming lessons. He needs to be in something that is more a one person type sport as he is shy. He is good with drawing and math, reading on 2nd grade level. His teachers are having to keep finding books for him to read to keep him interested. l love to listen to him read. I am bragging just like any other grandparent.


Wayne retired from Delta Airlines 6 years. We were in Columbus, Ga. until 1994 and then we moved to Sharpsburg. Wayne commuted to the Atlanta airport for work. I worked at the three different hospitals in Columbus in different areas until I found I liked medical-surgical nursing. I left and worked in adult mental health for 5 1/2 years and then taught nursing for 9 1/2 years. I really enjoyed teaching. I found it rewarding to see students suddenly discover the reason of what they were learining. This was a LPN program. Many of the students went on the AD, BSN, MSN programs. I had one student that was a single mother of 5 stairstep children who went through the progam--made straight A's. she was an excellent example for her children who all finished high school and college. She got her PHD in nursing and is head of a school of Nursing in the northeast now.
I taught Medical-Surgical Nursing which was the hardest subject in nursing school. It has been a great carrer. I retired a year ago due to issues with the home health co. being bought out by another co and didn't like all of the politics. I needed to be home to care for Wayne who had bouts with congestive heart failure and diabetes.

Wayne's mother who turned 85 years old this year, was burned out of her home she had been in for 53 years. She got out without any injury. We feel strongly God guided her out of her home. It was a total loss. She is now with us and now I can make sure she stays healty. She has had a rough year this past year so now we can be sure she is okay.

My mother is still in Amarillo and active. Her sister lives not far from her so they get together to do things. I was out to see her in April with my sister-in-law Cindy.

My dad died about 10 years ago from lung cancer. He had hospice which really helped mother at home. He did get his wish to be at home. This is a very hard experience. Mother is doing well these days, She lives life to the fullest of which I am so glad.

My brother Kim is married to a wonder lady, Cindy. They live in Hopkins, South Carolina. I am happy to have her as a sister in law-she is a really sweet gal. We get to see them fairly often.

I am enjoying retirement. I finally getting our home really spring cleaned. Getting to do yard work. Reading, sorting through pictures, sewing again, walking with our yellow lab Jenny. I like being able to do what I want when I want most of the time. We do have to check our calender for any appointment and the day of the week.

We get to spend a lot of time babysitting for pleasure, for sickness or for any reason we can think of. Our grandchildren are truly a blessing. We enjoy every moment. They are growing so fast.

I have found a wonderful home church-Grace Baptist Church. It is just around the corner from our subdivion. If you are coming to our subdivision you will pass the church first. I have visited several churches before finding this one. I am active in several activities now and my mother in law has a new church home after moving from hers in Columbus.

School Story:

I completed Northwest Texas School of Nursing in 1973. I worke two years of the training. It was a hard 3 years of schooling but it was well worth it. I have had a lot of experiences I should put in a book but who would read it. I loved the patients and their families, it was a very humbling experience.

I got a BS in Health Science 1992. I needed something to help further education with the community. I enjoyed schooling.

I still continue with continuing education work. You never know.

I attended a conference in Houston in the 80"s where I met Dr. DeBakey. It was great. The Texas Tornado (the dr.) was amazing.

What did you do right after high school?

I had one week of vacation and started nursing school.

Favorite music and performers:

Country music- George Strait, Alan Jackson(he is from Newnan, Ga. 7 miles from here- I have met many people who have told me a lot about him), Lady Antelbellum, Zac Brown, Carrie Underwood. Brad Paisley and Keith Urban is added.

Rod Stewart, Neil Diamond, The Beatles, The Temptations, Josh Grobin, Enya, ----Buble,

I enjoy most music due to being exposed the a variety by Mandy and Jeff. The grandchildren and I often dance to the old fashioned bubblegum music. We are still dancing to all kinds of music now. I can tell you trying to teach all those old dances to my grandchildren is hilarious. Love it.

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