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•   David L. Smith  11/16
•   Jeff Abbott  6/30
•   Clint Grace  6/28
•   Carrie Despain (Forbes)  1/20
•   Shawn Brooks (Brooks)  10/2
•   Kerringston Begay (Begay)  7/9
•   Kurt Voutaz  4/14
•   Jan Cunningham  3/25
•   Alison Ford (Stailey)  9/24
•   Pamela Brock (Berger)  9/24
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 63.0%

A:   259   Joined
B:   152   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


American Fork High School
Class of 1985
30 Year Reunion
"Remember When"
AFHS Homecoming Tailgater
September 18th, 2015
Where: AFHS South Parking/Park Area
Time: 4 PM Gathering  5 PM BBQ
          6:30 Attend Game together. Wear Class of 85 Reunion Shirts
.           (Please purchase T-shirts or Hoodies on this website).
Price: BBQ $5.00 per person (please pre-pay on this website), Game $5.00(Must pay for game at gate)
Lets support our team!!! AFHS Homecoming Game starts at 7PM.  Come join us for our 30 Year Class Reunion Tailgater BBQ. We will provide the meat, beverage and fun. Please bring a side dish (salad, chips,Casserole or dessert) and a chair.
Due to fallen trees and limited sign-up, the park activity has been canceled.  Those that signed up will be refunded their money.  Come join us Friday night for a great tailgate party.  
Generations in the Park
Family Fun Day
September 19th, 2015
Where: Martin Park
Time: NOON-4PM
Price: $15.00 per family (please pre-pay on this website)
Come to Martin Park and Bring the Entire Family. Bring Mom and Dad, Kids and the Grandkids for an afternoon of fun. Bounce House, Dunk Tank, Tug o War, 80's Music Blasting and more!!. We will also be playing a memorial kickball game. We will provide popcorn, cotton candy, shaved ice, hotdogs and nachos.
Please Register by clicking on the "30th Reunion" tab, in the black verticle column, on the left side of website home page.

Please update your information on this website and spread the word, and "stay tuned".

If you would like to help, we would love to have you!! 

Feel free to contact me, Jeff Webb or JR Martin here, with any questions.


Jenny Sparks Poff


*  We have a Facebook page."American Fork High School class of 1985", please join us.



Welcome to the American Fork High Class Of 1985 web site.   This is a great way to re-connect with your fellow classmates.  We are all 30 years older (and more mature) than we were in 1985.  Many of us are larger and have much less hair---but none of us care about that!  Just stop by and renew old acquaintances (or create new ones)!!!  It's kind of like getting a bunch of Christmas cards from your old friends in the middle of the summer.  It really has been a lot of fun! This website is private and the information in it is not available in search engines, although the website's homepage is.

So, Click HERE and find
your name :)

We still need help finding people.  Please check the missing list to help us locate missing classmates.  Spread the word so we can find as many people from our class as possible!
