Our Music

What better to get us into a 40th reunion mood than MUSIC from our era. Rock, pop, soul, funk, folk, Motown, bubble gum, psychedelic, and Neil Diamond — we had it all. And what's incredible is that some of these artists are still performing!

Below you will find the Billboard 100 lists from 1967 to 1970, along with playlists featuring 40 selected songs from each year. Prepare to be surprised by some of these top 100! (Please note that no Beatles songs were available from the playlist source, which obviously leaves a huge hole. Does Michael Jackson [may he rest in peace] still own the music rights?)

If you want to have a particular song from these years listed, please send the title and artist(s) via the "Contact Us" section.

1967 Billboard 100 (.pdf document)


1968 Billboard 100 (.pdf document)


1969 Billboard 100 (.pdf document)


1970 Billboard 100 (.pdf document)
