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•   Susan Goodling (Mills)  10/31
•   John Connelly  11/1
•   Gail Nielsen  11/2
•   Sharon Wieser (Dolezal)  11/3
•   William Rogers  11/7
•   Teresa Kettleborough (Roston)  11/12
•   Patricia Lind (Corbett)  11/13
•   Brian Schroeder  11/13
•   Duane Streufert  11/13
•   James Treiber  11/13
•   James Pierson  11/16
•   Debbie Bierdemann (Divita)  11/23



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1 lives in Alabama
9 live in Arizona
7 live in California
8 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
13 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
107 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
2 live in Iowa
1 lives in Kentucky
4 live in Michigan
7 live in Minnesota
4 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
2 live in Nevada
3 live in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
5 live in North Carolina
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4 live in South Carolina
6 live in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
18 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Andorra
209 location unknown
60 are deceased


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 53.1%

A:   239   Joined
B:   211   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Stephen Henaughan  2024
•   Judy Clark (Fanizza)  2024
•   Mike Palmer  2024
•   Suzanne Black (Peairs)  2022
•   Georgeanna (George) Driver (Higdon)  2021
•   James Costello  2021
•   William Manning  1980
•   Richard Meade  2021
•   Bobi Gust (Farrell)  2020
•   Lois Kalas (Schifo)  2020
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The History of Forest View High School 

When the first high school building was built in 1922 for Arlington Heights to accommodate its' 101 high school kids, thoughts did not comprehend the immense future growth the town would have. By the late 1950s, the high school-aged population had grown to well over 2000 students. Plans were soon made to build a new high school to relieve the pressure on the many-times expanded Arlington High School. In 1962 Forest View High School was created.  Forest View High School served the community for nearly 25 years. It was in the mid 1980s that talks of now-decreasing enrollment led to the closure of Forest View High School in 1986. Kids who attended Forest View High School in 1986 were given the choice of attending Elk Grove, Prospect, or Rolling Meadows high schools.  

The Forest View High School building was put to excellent use and today is home to five entities: 
    1.  Offices for District 214,
    2.  Community Education offices,
    3.  Newcomer H.S. (for H.S. students new to America),
    4.  Vangard H.S. (Spec.Needs not identified as Special Ed),
    5.  Forest View Alternative School (Special Ed students).
Forest View High School Quick Facts
Year opened:                      1962
Year of last grad. class:        1986
Year closed:                       1986
School Team nickname:        The "Falcons"
School colors:                     Silver, Black & Gold
School Fight Song:             "Fight for Forest View" 
Talk up the spirit, Falcon Spirit
We’re gonna win this game,
Silver, gold and black our colors
We’re proud to shout our name,
Forest View High School
You are my school
I’ll do my best for you,
Falcon fly high put your wing to the sky
And bring victory to Forest View.
Forest View, our Forest View
We will always remember you
For the friends we have known these years,
For the laughter and the tears
For the goals achieved with pride
Foes we’ve conquered side by side
We’ll remain forever true
To our alma mater Forest View.

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