Lauri Tillman

Profile Updated: September 5, 2022
Residing In Arlington, TX USA
Occupation Purchasing/Bookkeeping
Children Trevor, born in 1998
Mitchell, born in 1990
Zev, born in 1997
Joanna, born in 1998
Yes! Attending Reunion

Wow - what a daunting question! When I got found out that my mom sold our house and moved to California, while in Lubbock, I moved back home to be near my friends & grandparents. Married Trey and raised a family. Becoming a mother was my dream and to this day, my greatest accomplishment. After Trey passed away, Trev and Mitchie stayed in school and graduated from UNT, while Zev and Jo graduated from AHS. I'm so proud of their resilience and determination in the face of such a terrible loss for all of us. Zev graduated from Licoln Tech and Joanna is a successful hair stylist and they are all in stable, loving relationships. I'm hoping to have that again in my lifetime.

School Story

I have so many wonderful memories, most include my best friend, Connie Bridges! Painting the bridge at Lamar is a good memory. Going to parties, and driving around with music blaring was always fun. Cheering at football games was a wonderful memory and seeing faces of people that I had known my whole life every day was awesome!8

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Lauri Tillman has a birthday today.
Jan 23, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Lauri Tillman has a birthday today.
Jan 23, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Lauri Tillman has left an In Memory comment for Trey Vardeman.
Sep 17, 2022 at 5:57 PM

Trey was my best friend when we were kids and my best friend when he passed away. We raised four children together and created so many wonderful memories over the years with family & friends. No matter what obstacles we faced, our friendship remained strong & the foundation of our relationship. Trev, Mitchell, Zev, Joanna and I miss him every day.

Lauri Tillman has left an In Memory comment for Elise Brown.
Sep 10, 2022 at 5:28 PM

Elise was an amazing and thoughtful friend. She was beautiful and kind and fun, and her coupon-clipping made me laugh. I loved and admired her and she understood when I told her how I was drawn to the house in Joshua & encouraged me to stick to my guns and buy it, although my mom/realtor didn't want me to. I knew she was right and that was one of my best decisions. Miss you, Elise.

Lauri Tillman updated her profile. View.
Sep 05, 2022 at 3:02 PM
