Reunion Committe Dinner

BBQ dinner for the members of the Reunion Committee held in April 2010 at the home of Elyse Reinhard Lawson.  Her husband attended the non-spouse function only because he had volunteered to grill the BBQ pork and ribs.  Everyone brought something for the dinner - appetizers, salad, dessert or wine. Actually we had lots of wine and enjoyed it all.  Ben Shapiro thought it a good idea for the committee to have a social, non-working event as we have been meeting monthly since April 2009 planning the event.  Various committee members offered their homes for meetings beginning with Libba Wight, Ben Shapiro, Marc Hamburger, Nancy Dowdle, Ken Lynch and Skip Reese.  We are having a wonderful time planning this event and sincerely hope you are planning to come.  It won't be the same without you!

